Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014


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ati2 jika melakukan pembelian kemasannya masih lama...

Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014

Glyco-Aid Cream-Review

Hello Girls!

I am back with my review on Glyco-Aid cream. I hate to repeat the same lines again and again but it's important to mention because there are new readers too, I have acne prone skin which is sensitive too. To be very honest I avoid using creams like this one as they make the skin more sensitive but in my case I had no other option.
The main reason of going after Glyco-Aid cream is to get rid of black heads and open pores. I have set a proper cleansing routine and I takeout blackheads too after doing facial but on 3rd day they are back. I have used many creams for blackheads and open pores but what they did was, they improved my complexion, skin was even tone, dark spots reduced, pores were minimized to some extent but blackheads never went away.

First wash your face with a cleanser and be sure that your facial cleanser does not leave any oily residue. This residue will make it difficult for Glyco-Aid cream to work efficiently. Then apply Glyco-Aid cream twice daily to the ace and neck, gently message into skin and do not wash off.

Mild irritation may occur during daily use. In case of irritation consult your doctor. Avoid contact with eyes and if it occurs, wash thoroughly with water. Avoid sun exposure after application.

How I use it
Always use it at night and don't use it twice a day even if it's mentioned on the tube because it's a peel off cream and it will make your skin more sensitive. I always use it at 8pm and clean my face at 1 30am and wash it with face wash after 30 minutes to an hour. It's mentioned on the tube to use it before going to bed and in the morning but my sincere suggestion is not to sleep after applying it because some people unconsciously  can rub their eyes after touching their face. So, I have set  time according to my sleeping routine and in my opinion 5 hours are enough for a cream to work. You can adjust your time according to your sleeping routine. Always use sunblock before going out and even while cooking. In other words you have to protect your skin from heat because this cream makes skin sensitive.

For your ease I am sharing my experience of first 10 days with this cream.

First Day of Glyco-Aid cream
I applied Glyco-Aid cream to my face at 8pm. I was hoping to clean my face at 1 or 2 am but at 12 I decided to get rid of the cream because of irritation. It was out of control so I took a wet cotton ball and cleaned my face very gently. I didn't try to clean it by rubbing it and you should avoid it too. I didn't touch my face for the next 2 hours although irritation was still there. At 2am  washed my face with Dove beauty cream bar . I didn't use oil free face wash as I was worried that I could make my face red. Well, on first day of this cream my face was smooth and soft like a baby's skin. I didn't notice any redness, but there was a new guest on my face ( a tiny pimple). It is normal because it's already mentioned that some people will face acne problem.

Second Day of Glyco-Aid Cream

Tingling feeling started immediately after applying the cream but it was bearable. My face didn't turn red and it was normal. I forgot to mention that this cream is not at all oily. It absorbs quickly into the skin. On 2nd day I felt irritation on my forehead and on my nose but I didn't touch my face. The tingling feeling lasted for an hour and after 2 hours my face started to become oily and pores were very much visible on my face. At 1 :30 am I cleaned my face with wet cotton pad and washed it with dove soap at 2:30am.

Third Day of Glyco-Aid Cream

 On third day I felt that my face is lil oilier so before applying cream I washed my face with Clinique liquid facial soap. After applying Glyco-Aid cream my skin remained oil free, but there was redness on my face. It was not much to get worried about because it was bearable. I decided that if the redness increased then I will skip this cream for a day but at 8pm I noticed that my skin was back to normal so I applied the cream. I didn't feel much irritation. At 1:30am I cleaned my face with cotton balls and washed it with face wash at 2:30am. I noticed a slight lightening up of dark spots and even black heads.One thing which I noticed was that my face felt little stretchy after washing with face wash.

Forth Day of Glyco-Aid Cream

On forth day after applying cream, my face turned red especially from the cheeks. I looked like a tomato but there was no tingling  feeling. The redness was gone after 1.5 hour.

Fifth Day of Glyco-Aid Cream

On fifth day I decided to take a break.

Sixth Day of Glyco-Aid Cream

On sixth day, I decided to go for shopping and before going out I applied sunblock. I felt irritation on my face but, when I came back there was no redness on my face. I washed my face at 8:30pm and applied cream at 9pm. All went fine and successfully I washed my face at 2:30am.

Seventh Day of Glyco-Aid Cream

Everything was normal on seventh day and I followed the same routine. Nothing went wrong.

Eighth Day of Glyco-Aid Cream

On eighth day I gave time to myself and stood in front of the mirror for about thirty minutes lol. I just wanted to see the results of this cream. The pores on my nose were really minimized and yes on cheeks they were still presents. Only dark spots were reduced. On eighth day I followed the same routine and it was all fine.

Ninth Day of Glyco-Aid cream
On ninth day I felt irritation on my face so, I skipped cream.

Tenth Day of Glyco-Aid Cream

On tenth day, I followed the same routine and washed my face at 2:30 am.

  • Reduces dark spots
  • Minimizes pores
  • Pocket friendly

  • Irritation
  • Makes skin sensitive
  • Not suitable for every skin type


It is easily available at all medical stores in 450 PKR.


Yes, it's an amazing cream but don't use it during summers. It will work best during winters. It's risky to use peel off creams during summers as face is already oily and such creams make it sensitive too. Moreover, peel off creams work best on dry and clean face so winters are the best option. One more thing, don't use other creams if you plan to go for this one. Select the face washes which work best for you. Don't use this cream for more than three months.

My Rating


Thank you for your time.
Stay Blessed :)

Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014

Iope Air Cushion XP N21

Please stop me before I buy another one. I have a serious cushion addiction.
Because my complexion is splotchy and discolored, it's quite hard to find a foundation that would match my skin tone. So when I see something that is vaguely suitable, like a good ole Pavlov's dog, I simply buy it. Whether I actually need it, or not, is wholly irrelevant here.
I buy a matching shade, because it's so damn hard to find something that won't make me look like a jaundiced zombie, or an oompa loompa, or a color-blind person who applied makeup without using a mirror.

Zatrzymajcie mnie, prosze, zanim kupie kolejna. Mam powazny nalog poduszkowy.
Poniewaz moja twarz ma ciemne placki i nierowny koloryt, bardzo trudno jest mi znalezc podklad, ktory pasowalby mi idealnie. Dlatego tez mam 12 roznych butelek w lazience. Wiec jesli widze cos, co jest mniej wiecej odpowiednie, to jak pies Pawlowa, kupuje to niemal w ciemno. Czy akurat tego potrzebuje, czy nie, to juz zupelnie inna sprawa.
Kupuje, bo jesli nie kupie, to potem zniknie, a ja bede zalowac. Bo naprawde trudno jest znalezc cos, co nie zamieni mnie w zombie cierpiacego na zoltaczke, czy daltonistyczna blachare, ktora spedza kazda chwile w solarium (i naklada podklad bez uzycia lustra). Bo, stety lub niestety, jestem blada. Nawet bardzo.

And to add to that, my skin is really problematic (especially now that I am undergoing treatment, where one of the most common side effects is bad, really really bad skin) so I don't want heavy coverage. I want light. I want easy. I want something that will not irritate my poor face any more than absolutely necessary. Especially now, during the evil, humid, hot, Japanese summer.

Jesli dodac do tego moja problematyczna cere (szczegolnie w ostatnich miesiacach, bo skutki uboczne, tego co przechodze do najfajnieszych niestety nie naleza), ktorej nie chce obciazac ciezka szpachla, to mam dylemat.
Chce czegos lekkiego i latwego. I czegos, co nie podraznialoby mnie do granic wytrzymalosci. Szczegolnie podczas japonskiego lata (kto takie przezyl, ten wie, o czym mowie).

And that is why today I present you yet another Korean cushion foundation. And two more are still waiting to be reviewed. (Yeah, I told you I have a serious cushion problem. Now do you believe me?)

Yes, this form of foundation has been the answer to my prayers. And even though initially I was very skeptical, now I'm hooked.

I dlatego dzis przedstawiam Wam kolejna koreanska poduszke. I dwie inne nadal czekaja na przetestowanie i recenzje (tak, mowilam, ze mam nalog, hyhyhy).
Ta forma podkladu to odpowiedz na moje modlitwy do bogow kosmetycznych. I kopie sama siebie w tylek, ze tak pozno sie do poduszek przekonalam.

But why do I love cushions so much?

That's a very good question.
I love them, because they are so damn easy to use.

Ale dlaczego tak poduszki pokochalam?

Dobre pytanie!
Ano dlatego, ze sa tak latwe w obsludze.

I'm a total moron when it comes to using foundation brushes (and I have 3!) or pink foamy eggs. I need something that is foolproof, messproof, klutzproof and idiotproof.
So it's very easy to see that cushion foundation is THE right thing for me.
It's simple, convenient and any idiot with a mirror (though that's optional, any reflective surface will do) can apply it to get that much sought after flawless finish.

Jestem totalnym gamoniem jesli chodzi o nakladanie podkladu. Pedzle czy rozowe jajka przerastaja mnie do tego stopnia, ze sie ich boje (a mam i jedno i drugie, pedzli do podkladu nawet kilka). Potrzebuje czegos, z czym nawet taka sierota jak ja moglaby pracowac. Podklad dla idiotow.
I ta-dam!!! Poduszka!!! Spelnia wszystkie moje sieroce i gamoniowe wymagania.
Jest tak latwa w uzyciu, ze kazdy da rade, z lustrem lub bez (kazdy, kto widzial Azjatki poprawiajace makijaz przegladajac sie w wystawach sklepowych, wie o czym mowie).
I nawet przy zerowych umiejetnosciach podkladowych byle sierota moze osiagnac idealny finish.

Yeah, you heard me right. Flawless.
That's another reason why I love cushions.
The light formula and the application method create a truly fine, fine, flawless finish. Even on very sensitive, very easily irritated skin.

Tak, to nie pomylka. Idealny. Fotoshopowy niemal. (Grunt to dobrze dobrany odcien, ale to tym za chwile).
Za ten idealny finish zakochalam sie w poduszkach.
Lekka formula i sposob nakladania daja naprawde swietne, idealne wykonczenie. Nawet na drazliwej i wrazliwej cerze.

I was extremely lucky that my first cushion was Hera UV Mist Cushion N13. It was hard to work with, but the perfect match to my complexion and the perfect finish it gave me were more than enough to make up for the fact that the bloody thing took forever to set. For-eva-ah.

Sulwhasoo Evenfair Perfecting Cushion (see, you even have a "perfect" word right in the name) was a very poor choice color-wise. But it found a new home, and from what I hear, its new mommy is amazed at what it can do.

So there you have it. I love cushions. The trick is to find a shade that will match your complexion. And with Hera, I really lucked out.

Now, let's see how the Iope Air Cushion XP in N21 is going to stack up.

Mialam szczescie, ze moja pierwsza poduszka byla Hera UV Mist Cushion N13 - idealny kolor dla mnie. Dla tak idealnego koloru i wykonczenia bylam w stanie wybaczyc to, ze schla dluzej niz ustawa przewiduje. Ale jak juz wyschla? Cud, miod i orzeszki.

Sulwhasoo Evenfair Perfecting Cushion nie byl najlepszym zakupem pod wzgledem koloru. Poszedl do ludzi i ze tego co slysze, to "ludzie" sa ta poduszka zachwyceni.

Tak wiec, najwiekszym problemem jest znalezienie odpowiedniego odcienia.

Wiec teraz spojrzmy na Iope Air Cushion XP w odcieniu N21 (Ice Vanilla).

Iope Air Cushion XP, shade N21 (Ice Vanilla) was something that I didn't really plan on buying. I was at Skinholic in Shin-Okubo (Koreatown) in Tokyo and there was this big sale with huge discounts and they had those other cushions that were all too yellow for me and  too cheap and tacky looking and too disgusting, but then the sales lady led me to the shelf where the Iopes were waiting (for me! no doubt!) and the next thing I knew I was swatching them, and then...

Nie mialam w planach kupowania Iope Air Cushion XP. Wybralysmy sie z kolezankami na lunch do Shin-Okubo (dzielnica koreanska) w Tokio i przy okazji wstapilysmy do sklepu Skinholic. Bylam przyjemnie zaskoczona jak wiele sklepow w Shin-Okubo zaczelo sprzedawac bardziej selektywne kosmetyki. Macalysmy sobie tanie poduszki, ale wszystkie byly dla mnie za ciemne. Pani sprzedawczyni zaprowadzila mnie pod polke z Iope, pozwolila sie pomyziac, pozwolila zabrac tester na ulice, zeby myziac sie w naturalnym swietle, i sama nie wiem jak to sie stalo, ale nagle stalam przy kasie, zeby placic za ta poduszke. Hyhyhy...

Well, you get the story.
I ended up with yet another Korean cushion foundation.

No i stalo sie.
Kupilam kolejny koreanski podklad w poduszce.

I've been using it for about 2 weeks now. I'm still on the fence about it.

It's heavier than Hera. And despite being an "N" cushion (natural cover), it provides a very substantial level of coverage.
When freshly applied it's stickier than Hera. It's closer to a normal foundation that way.
But once applied, it dries very fast and stays on for a decent amount of time. Two thumbs up! That alone makes it worth buying. A good choice for those days when I need more coverage. The finish is still in the "dewy" category, but not as wet as Hera Mist. It's more like satin, really.

And the most important fact?
It dries quite fast. Yes, it's a cushion foundation that sets very nicely and very quickly. What a shock after fighting with Hera for over a month.

Myziam sie nim od dwoch tygodni. I nadal nie jestem pewna czy bedzie z tego milosc.

Podklad jest ciezszy od Hery. I choc ma oznaczenie N (naturalne krycie), to kryje calkiem niezle. Lepiej niz Hera.
Podczas nakladania jest bardziej tresciwy niz Hera, przypomina normalny podklad pod tym wzgledem.
Schnie ekspresowo!!! I trzyma sie na twarzy bez poprawek dobre 8 godzin w 30-stopniowym upale. Nie podkresla suchych skorek, nie roluje sie, siedzi tam gdzie ma siedziec. Ale ja klade go na baze, wiec moze dlatego. Wydaje mi sie dobra opcja na te dni, kiedy potrzebuje wiekszego krycia.

Schnie szybko!!! Jaka ulga po walce z Hera!
Wykonczenie nadal w kategorii "dewy", ale bardziej matowe, a raczej - satynowe, niz "dewy" Hery.

So, where's the catch?
It's not a perfect match. It's close, very close, but no cigar. However, when set with loose powder it looks more or less decent. I'll keep it.

How the package looks you can see in the photos above.
It's a standard cushion set with a refill and a leaflet in the box. The cushion surface was protected by a sticky seal, so you know that it's brand new. The applicator sponge (though I hesitate to call it a "sponge", it's not a sponge in the traditional way you'd think of a sponge applicator) is a standard issue cushion stuff.

Pity almost all the companies insist on making the cushion compacts white. What kind of idiot thought of that, huh?

Wiec, gdzie jest haczyk?
Ano, odcien nie jest az tak perfekcyjnie dopasowany jak Hera N13. Blisko, ale jednak widac roznice. Musze wykonczyc sypkim pudrem, zeby grala gitara.

Jak wyglada opakowanie, mozecie zobaczyc na zdjeciach powyzej. Standardowo w pudelku jest i refill i ulotka po angielsku i po koreansku. Po otwarciu wieczka widac, ze poduszka zabezpieczona jest naklejka, wiec wiemy, ze to nowka niesmigana. Jest i gabeczka (choc nie jest to podkladowa gabeczka w europejskim tego slowa znaczeniu, jest bardziej zbita i "jedwabnista" jak to okreslil moj chlop, kiedy poprosilam go o pomacanie aplikatorka).

Szkoda, ze jak w wiekszosci poduszek, kompakcik jest bialy. Co za kretyn to wymyslil? Jak nic facet, ktory nigdy kompaktu nie uzywal.

Here is what the N21 (Ice Vanilla) looks like color-wise:

A tak N21 (Ice Vanilla) wyglada na zywo:

Looks very light on my finger.

Let's test it on my arm.

Wyglada na jasniutki na paluchu.
Posmarujmy na przedramieniu:

You can immediately see that the consistency is a bit heavier than other N type cushions. It's also more yellowish than I expected.

So let's blend it out.

Od razu widac ciezsza konsystencje niz inne N poduszki. Jest tez bardziej zoltawo niz sie spodziewalam.

Po roztarciu:

I can see the difference in color, but folks on instagram said it was perfect.
The yellowish cast is more visible when applied on my face. Nothing that a dusting of loose powder couldn't fix, though.

In the box you can find a bi-lingual leaflet, and this is what it says.

Ja widze roznice w tonie, ale ludki na insta mowia, ze wyglada perfect.
Roznica jest bardziej widoczna, kiedy naloze na twarz. Dlatego tez musze sie przypudrowac, aby wyrownac odcien.

W pudelku jest ulotka, a na niej to:

As you can see Iope Air Cushion XP doubles up as a sunblock. It has SPF50+ / PA+++. But considering that you apply just a tiny amount on your face, it won't be able to provide adequate sun protection. Please use a normal sunblock before applying this foundation.

Does it moisturize, as the company promises?
Yes, it does. Not sure though about winter months, when it's super dry here.

Has it improved the condition of the pores for flawless skin?
After application - yes.
Long term effects - I honestly didn't notice. But then again, my face is not looking so great these days (due to other reasons).

Reduces fine lines with additional active ingredients?
When used with a makeup primer - my fine lines are indeed less visible.
Long term effects - didn't notice.

Long lasting without darkening effect?
Hmmm... it's definitely long lasting, especially when you slap it on a primer. And true, it doesn't oxidize.

Here's the marketing mumbo - jumbo.

Jak widac Iope Air Cushion XP ma SPF50+ / PA+++. Ale biorac pod uwage naprawde mala ilosc, jaka kladziemy na twarzy, i tak trzeba uzywac osobnego filtru dla ochrony przed sloncem.

Czy nawilza, jak obiecuje producent?
Tak. (choc nie wiem, jak sprawdzi sie zima).

Czy poprawilo stan moich porow i dalo idealna cere?
Nie wiem, czy maja na mysli po nalozeniu, czy po dlugotrwalym stosowaniu.
Po nalozeniu - tak. Po 2 tygodniach uzywania nie zauwazylam zadnych wlasciwosci pielegnujacych.

Zmniejsza zmarchy?
Po nalozeniu na baze, zmarszczki sa naprawde mniej widoczne. Po 2 tygodniach uzywania - nie zauwazylam zadnych wlasciwosci przeciwzmarszczkowych.

Trwalosc bez ciemnienia na skorze?
Zgadza sie. Zmiana koloru na skorze byla moja najwieksza obawa (wiele koreanskich kremow BB tak ma). Ale tu - nic, a nic!

A tutaj - marketingowe cuda wianki:

The brochure explains, well, sort of, about the fancy ingredients.

Wyjasnia wiele, bez wyjasniania czegokolwiek. Kudos dla copywritera!

And it also lists the available shades. Mine is Natural 21 Ice Vanilla. (Now, I'll be singing "Ice, ice, baby" all day long. Oy vey...)

If you're interested in the ingredient list, you can find it on this lovely blog - Skin and Beauty Story. There are a couple of potential irritants on the list, but after 2 weeks of daily use, I did not notice anything that I can say was caused specifically by this cushion. I do apply it on a primer though, and I cleanse my face quite religiously every day.

Dostepnych jest kilka odcieni. Ja mam Natural 21 Ice Vanilla (a czemu nie Vanilla Ice ja sie pytam?)
Sklad (po angielsku) mozna znalezc w tym wpisie na blogu Skin and Beauty Story. Sa w nim skladniki, ktore potencjalnie moga zrobic kuku osobom o cerze nadwrazliwej. Ja nie mialam zadnych reakcji, ktore moglabym zwalic na ta poduszke. Ale kladlam na primer i zawsze religijnie niemal oczyszczam twarz kazdego wieczora.

Would it be suitable for someone with oily skin? I'm not so sure. But for dry, normal and mixed skin types it should work fine.

I still have two other cushions (su:m37 and Banila Co) to test and review, so stay tuned. After that, if you want, I can swatch them all side by side to give you a better idea about their colors and coverage.

I purchased this cushion myself in Shin-Okubo in Tokyo, I don't remember how much it was, the price seemed reasonable and comparable to what's available on the internet.

Czy to dobra opcja dla cery tlustej? Nie jestem pewna. Dla suchej, normalnej i mieszanej powinna byc bez problemow.

Mam jeszcze dwie inne poduszki (su:m37 i Banila Co) do przetestowania i opisania. Jak to zrobie, to jesli bedzie zapotrzebowanie, moge zeswatchowac wszystkie dla bezposredniego porownania.

Kupilam ta poduszke za wlasne pieniadze, byla na promocji, nie pamietam ile placilam, ale cena wydawala mi sie porownywalna do tego co jest w sklepach online.

If you are interested in purchasing this cushion, or any other Korean beauty product, you can order it online from Alice of W2BeautyBy clicking on the link, or the banner in the sidebar and using this registration code: 182991708, you can receive $5.00 off your first order (above $30.00). Free worldwide shipping directly from Korea, and lots of samples and other freebies with every order. Enjoy!!! 

Jesli chcecie kupic ta poduszke, lub inne koreanskie kosmetyki z wiarygodnego zrodla, mozna to zrobic zamawiajac od Alice z W2Beauty.
Klikajac na ten link, lub w banner w pasku obok i wpisujac ten kod przy rejestracji: 182991708, otrzymacie $5.00 znizki przy pierwszym zamowieniu (powyzej $30.00).
Wysylka darmowa, prosto z Korei, na caly swiat, a w kazdym zamowieniu duzo probek.
Milych zakupow!

Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014


Dear Customer...

Minal Aidzin wal Faidzin mohon Maav lahir dan batin...

Readdy Buanyak Paket BR nya...

Silahkan Di order...
Paket Siap dikirim Via Pos/JNE per Harinya , dan Sebagian Dianter Karyawan kami Untuk paket dalam Kota Jember saja...

Rere Beauty Rossa
Mohon maav tidak menerima telepon...

Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014

Koh Gen Do Aqua Foundation Illuminator

I appreciate it when a cosmetic brand embraces social media and understands its potential. And I am always pleasantly surprised when said brand makes an effort to communicate and interact with its fans and customers. It's a win-win situation for everybody. The brand gets loads of free PR, the fans and customers are happy and keep coming back for more, and if the product is good, new fans and new customers appear along the way. All in a very cost-effective and cheerful, positive manner.

Doceniam to, kiedy firma kosmetyczna jest obecna na mediach (portalach?) spolecznosciowych i rozumie ich potencjal i korzysci, jakie z tego plyna. I zawsze jestem mile zaskoczona, kiedy taka firma prowadzi interakcje z fanami i klientami. W takiej sytuacji kazdy wygrywa. Firma ma darmowy PR, a fani i klienci czuja sie wazni i doceniani i wracaja, aby wydac wiecej pieniedzy. A jesli sprzedawany produkt jest dobry, to i nowi fani i klienci pojawiaja sie przy okazji, ludzie, ktorzy moze sami z siebie nigdy by sie o tej firmie nie dowiedzieli.

One such company is Koh Gen Do, a Japanese skincare and makeup brand, with main locations in both Tokyo and Seattle. Koh Gen Do is extremely social media friendly and understands the importance of its customer base's loyal following.

Jedna z takich firm jest Koh Gen Do, japonska marka kosmetykow pielegnacyjnych i kolorowych. Ma dwie glowne lokalizacje - w Tokio i w Seattle (ta w Tokio byla pierwsza). Koh Gen Do jest bardzo aktywna na instagramie i rozumie jak wazna jest komunikacja (dwukierunkowa, bo sa firmy na insta, ktore swoich sledzacych totalnie olewaja) z ludzmi, ktorzy wydaja kase na ich produkty.

(Hear this, Aveda? Social media, dudes!!! Time to get your head out of your bum, and get on with the program! At least in Japan, because, frankly, your PR mentality is stuck in the mid-20th century.)

(Slyszysz to, Aveda? Social media, ludzie! Czas wyciagnac glowy z tylkow i ruszyc z programem. Przynajmniej w Japonii, to jak na razie to wasz PR styl jest rodem z lat 50-tych ubieglego wieku.)

I'm reluctant to call Koh Gen Do a boutique brand, because I don't think it is. You can get their products at makeup stores (such as Rosemary's) and some department stores. Makeup artists (foreign and Japanese) are certainly familiar with it. But the general public, especially overseas? Not so much.

Nie chce nazywac Koh Gen Do firma butikowa, albo niszowa, bo nie uwazam, ze takowa jest. Ich produkty mozna kupic w normalnych perfumeriach i niektorych domach handlowych (departamentach). Makijazysci (japonscy i zagraniczni, choc moze nie polscy) znaja Koh Gen Do bardzo dobrze. Ale generalna publika konsumencka, szczegolnie ta nie japonska juz niestety nie.

My first contact with Koh Gen Do was several years ago when my mother in law gifted me a fancy cream. The cream was in an equally fancy blue jar. It was supposed to make me all fancy and beautiful and all that (my MIL claimed my complexion was awful).
She was a huge fan of the fancy cream. She forced me to try it (out of her own jar), and when I said I liked it, she presented me with my very own fancy jar. That was my first Koh Gen Do product.
Not for long, however. I guess I didn't thank her deeply enough, didn't bow low enough, didn't jump for joy that such a fancy woman as my MIL took interest in my face enough to gift me an expensive skincare product... Because a few days later, before I even had a chance to use my brand new cream, the box suddenly disappeared from my shelf in the bathroom (yes, we lived with the in-laws back then).  And the next thing I knew, it was promptly re-gifted to my sister in law. I guess she, being Japanese, knew the intricate thanking ritual, because the fancy cream stayed hers.

Moje pierwsze doswiadczenie z Koh Gen Do mialo miejsce kilka (nascie, hyhyhy) lat temu, kiedy to szanowna tesciowa sprawila mi w prezencie bardzo ekskluzywny krem. Zapakowany byl w rownie ekskluzywny sloiczek, niebieski. Mial przemienic mnie w piekna i ekskluzywna kobiete. Moja tesciowa twierdzila, ze moja cera byla zaniedbana i zapuszczona.
Sama byla wierna fanka ekskluzywnego kremu. Poprzednio, namowila mnie do sprobowania (z jej wlasnego sloiczka) i kiedy nieopatrznie stwierdzilam, ze fajny jest, sprezentowala mi w prezencie. To byl moj najpierwszy Koh Gen Do produkt.

Niestety nie na dlugo. Byc moze nie podziekowalam jej odpowiednio wylewnie i dlugo, byc moze nie padlam do stop, ani nawet nie klanialam sie do samej podlogi, byc moze nie skakalam z radosci odpowienio dlugo i wysoko... Kilka dni pozniej, zanim jeszcze mialam okazje pomyziac sie moim ekskluzywnym, nowiutenkim kremem, pudeleczko (nawet nie mialam jeszcze okazji aby wyjac sloiczek z pudelka) nagle zniknelo z mojej polki w lazience (tak, mieszkalismy wtedy z tesciami). I 5 minut pozniej dowiedzialam sie, ze zostalo odprezentowane mojej szwagierce. Ona bedac Japonka, wiedziala jak odpowiednio podziekowac, bo krem zostal u niej na dobre. Nie zniknal jej w tajemniczych okolicznosciach z lazienki.

My second contact with Koh Gen Do was at Rosemary's (a cosmetics store). I glanced at the logo, and suddenly, the memories came flooding back. Yeah, Koh Gen Do, I remembered that name.

I bought a bottle of Aqua Foundation (after playing around with it at the store a few times), and instantly fell in love. This was a very unassuming foundation that did everything it promised. I think it deserves a separate post, so I'm not going to talk about it here right now.

Together with my Aqua Foundation, I got a bag of mini-size goodies - Spa Water (Koh Gen Do's version of micellar water), Pearl White Makeup Color Base, and a few other things that I don't remember now. The pearl white base was so nice that I went out and bought a full size tube, this time in green.

Moje drugie spotkanie z Koh Gen Do odbylo sie w Rosemary's (perfumerii). Spojrzalam na logo i zalaly mnie wspominki o starych, dobrych czasach.

Kupilam wtedy butelke Aqua Foundation (po myzianiu sie nia w sklepie dlugo i namietnie) i byla to milosc od pierwszego wejrzenia. Ot taki maly, skromny podklad, ale robi co trzeba i wywiazuje sie ze wszystkich obietnic producenta. Podklad ten zasluguje na osobny wpis, wiec nie bede teraz za wiele na jego temat pisac.

Razem z moja Aqua Foundation, dostalam rowniez woreczek probek i mini rozmiarow. Byla w nim, miedzy innymi Spa Water (koh gen dowski odpowiednik miceli, perlowa baza pod makijaz, i kilka innych rzeczy, ktorych juz teraz nie panietam. Baza byla na tyle dobra, ze poszlam i kupilam sobie pelnowymiarowa tubke, tym razem zielona.

And because where I live, the selection of products is very limited (and as everybody knows, I absolutely hate buying previously unseen stuff on the internet), I've been dreaming of visiting the main Koh Gen Do salon in Azabu Juban in Tokyo for quite a while.
Finally, last Monday, that dream came true.

A poniewaz tu gdzie mieszkam wybor byl bardzo ograniczony (a ja nienawidzie kupowania nieznanych mi kosmetykow internetowo, bez mozliwosci uprzedniego myziania), marzyl mi sie wypad do salonu Koh Gen Do w Tokio.
I w koncu, w ostatni poniedzialek marzenie to sie spelnilo.

When we arrived at the salon, we were already very tired, grumpy, hot, sweaty and overall disgusting after many hours of walking around Tokyo on a ridiculously hot and humid day. (Pleased to say that Nov UV Shield EX on my face and DHC Suncut Q10 Aqua Gel on my arms did the job - not a hint of redness, zero sunburn, amazing.)

Kiedy dowleklysmy sie z kolezanka do salonu, bylysmy zmeczone, spocone, na granicy udaru slonecznego i w podlym nastroju. Lazilysmy po Tokio w nieludzkim upale dobrych kilka godzin. (Informuje, ze Nov UV Shield EX na twarzy i DHC Suncut Q10 Aqua Gel na innych odslonietych czesciach ciala stanely na wysokosci zadania - zero opalenizny, zero spalenia przez slonce, zero czegokolwiek - niesamowite).

The extremely helpful, kind and patient lady at Koh Gen Do took good care of the two country bumpkins totally out of place in such a chi-chi district as Azabu Juban. Even though we didn't look like women who could afford half the things at the store (not mentioning the spa services upstairs), we were still treated like potential customers. I've been snubbed a couple of times at upscale makeup counters, so thank you, Koh Gen Do, for being so professional and open minded. Well, maybe...

Bardzo uprzejma pani w mundurku Koh Gen Do zaopiekowala sie nami w mily i profesjonalny sposob. Wygladalysmy jak dwie zdziadziale baby z prowincji zupelnie nie na miejscu w takim posh salonie w takiej posh dzielnicy jak Azabu Juban, ale pani z Koh Gen Do to nie przeszkadzalo. Pomimo faktu, ze z pewnoscia myslala, ze nie stac nas na wiekszosc rzeczy w asortymencie (ze o bardzo posh spa na pieterku juz nawet nie wspomne), to nadal traktowala nas jak potencjalne klientki. Juz mi sie zdarzylo byc ignorowana przez sprzedawczynie selektywnej marki, bo wygladalam jak prosto z traktoru, wiec milo nam bylo, ze Koh Gen Do podszedl do nas tak profesjonalnie i bez uprzedzen. Do czasu...

The staff lady deserves to be nominated for sainthood for her patience with us. After going over every single product in the skin care line (I was oh so tempted to get the fancy cream in the fancy blue jar, but I need to finish my various fancy creams already at home first, though no worries, I'll be back!) I suddenly remembered what it was that I wanted to try.
The Illuminator!!!
I've seen the photos! I've witnessed what it could do.
I wanted to try it myself.
I was ready.
Me, the person, who wouldn't know how to use a highlighter, if her life depended on it. No, I'm not exaggerating, I really don't know how to highlight and contour. So I don't do it. One of the reasons I always wear "barely there" makeup.

And there I was, sitting in front of the mirror at a very exclusive skin care salon, and a Koh Gen Do lady was going to treat my face to a dose of Aqua Foundation Illuminator. In two shades, no less.

Pani w sklepie powinna byc natychmiast nominowana na kanonizacje za anielska cierpliwosc jaka nam okazala. Po przejrzeniu i pomacaniu kazdego produktu w linii pielegnacyjnej (oj kusil mnie ten ekskluzywny krem, ale najpierw musze zuzyc te, ktore juz mam w domu), nagle przypomnialam sobie, co mialam w planach sprobowac.
Ogladalam zdjecia i filmiki, na wlasne oczy widzialam co potrafi zdzialac.
Chcialam sprobowac na wlasnej skorze.
Bylam gotowa i zdecydowana.
Ja. Ta, ktora nie ma pojecia do czego sluzy rozswietlacz i nie wiedzialaby co z jednym zrobic, nawet jakby sam jej wlazl do reki. Nie przesadzam. Nie potrafie ani rozswietlac, ani konturowac. Dlatego po prostu tego nie robie. To glowny powod dlaczego moj makjiaz jest zawsze minimalny.

A tu nagle siedze sobie w fotelu przez wielgasnym lustrem w bardzo ekskluzywnym salonie, a bardzo ekskluzywna pani od Koh Gen Do ma zamiar potraktowac moja twarz rozswietlaczem. I to nie byle jakim, a Aqua Foundation Illuminatorem. W dwoch odcieniach do tego. No, cuda przyrody, po prostu.

I fell in love instantly. Just like with the Aqua Foundation itself. My friend was amazed at the subtle transformation ("you look so classy now", she announced when we left the salon, hahaha!)

I couldn't decide which shade I liked better, so I bought both of them. Along with a duo of makeup sponges.

Zakochalam sie natychmiast. Zupelnie tak samo, jak to bylo z sama Aqua Foundation. Psiapsiola byla oczarowana moja transformacja (powiedziala mi "wygladasz teraz tak z klasa" jak wyszlysmy z salonu, hehehe!)

Nie moglam zdecydowac, ktory odcien bardziej mi sie podobal, wiec kupilam oba. I do tego duo gabeczek, zebym mialam czym sie myziac tym rozswietlaczem.

I was seriously considering getting a tube of Moisture Foundation as well, but after testing every light shade there was, we were faced with a very familiar problem. It was close, very close, but sadly, not a perfect match. The Koh Gen Do lady explained that initially, only 3 shades were available, and people (mostly makeup artists) would mix them by themselves together to get the desired color.

Na powaznie zastanawialam sie rowniez nad tubka Moisture Foundation, ale po przetestowaniu kazdego jasnego odcienia, stanelysmy przed tym samym problemem co zawsze. Bylo blisko, bliziutko, ale nie do konca pasowalo. Pani od Koh Gen Do wyjasnila, ze 25 lat temu, kiedy ten podklad wszedl po raz pierwszy na rynek, byl dostepny tylko w trzech odcieniach i makijazysci sami je sobie mieszali je, aby dobrac odpowiedni kolor.

Unfortunately, I am not a makeup artist. Mixing anything (including salad dressings) is a challenge for me. And Moisture Foundation doesn't come cheap. As the one and only KP said on instagram, no choice but wait until Koh Gen Do releases more colors.
I don't think that will happen anytime soon (or ever), so I am going to try for a tube of the best match in winter, when my skin needs loads of moisture.

Ja makijazystka nie jestem i do mieszania mam dwie lewe rece, nawet sos do salatki to dla mnie nie lada wyzwanie. A Moisture Foundation do najtanszych nie nalezy. I jak KP we wlasnej osobie skomentowala na instagramie, nie pozostaje nam nic innego, jak czekac az Koh Gen Do wypusci wiecej odcieni.
Niestety bardzo watpie, ze to sie kiedykolwiek stanie, wiec bede celowac w najbardziej dopasowany odcien w zimie, kiedy moja cera potrzebuje wiecej nawilzenia.

My other disappointment? No samples in the bag. Maybe we didn't look like women, who could buy expensive make up and skin care products on a regular basis? Maybe we looked like the samples would be wasted on us? Fair enough, but sad nonetheless.

I've been spoiled by other high end brands who are generous with samples when buying stuff. I do believe that samples do a great job of promoting a product and promoting a brand. From my own experience I can say that there were times when samples convinced me to shell out ridiculous amounts of money on something I would have never considered otherwise (like Lancome Absolue, for example).

I zeby nie bylo tak cudownie i cacy, mam tez drugie male rozczarowanie. Zero probek w torbie. Zero. Moze nie wygladalysmy jak babki, ktore regularnie wydaja kase na kosmetyki z wyzszej polki? Moze pani sprzedawczyni zdecydowala, ze probki dla nas i tak nie zamienilyby sie w kolejne zakupy? Rozumiem, ale jesli to prawda, to szkoda, ze Koh Gen Do jednak okazalo sie takim snobem.

Przyzwyczajona jestem do probek kiedy kupuje kosmetyki z wyzszej polki. I uwazam, ze probki to swietna sprawa, bo daja szanse sprawdzenia nowego produktu i przy okazji promuja dana marke. Wiem z wlasnego doswiadczenia, ze po zuzyciu probki, jesli kosmetyk mi sie podobal, bylam w stanie wydac nieludzkie pieniadze na pelnowymiarowe opakowanie (Lancome Absolue na przyklad), ktorego sama z siebie nigdy bym pewnie nie tknela. I wiem, ze nie ja jedna tak robie. No ale coz...

And now, let me show you the Illuminati. 
I mean, the Illuminators.

A teraz czas pokazac Wam moja pare rozswietlaczy.

The bottles are plastic (thank goodness!!!) and easy to handle.

The Aqua Foundation Illuminator is available in two shades IL00 (white) and IL01 (sheer beige).

Buteleczki sa plastikowe (yay!) i latwe do trzymania.

Aqua Foundation Illuminator jest dostepny w dwoch odcieniach: IL00 (bialy) i IL01("sheer" bezowy).

The enclosed bi-lingual (Japanese and English) leaflet gives us basic information about the product.

Mamy w pudelku ulotke w dwoch jezykach - po japonsku i po angielsku z podstawowymi informacjami o firmie, o produkcie i o tym jak go uzywac. Sa nawet obrazki jak i gdzie go nakladac.

Koh Gen Do says they are a natural brand. They say their products have no artificial colors, no fragrance, no petroleum based mineral oil, no parabens and no alcohol. Very impressive.

Koh Gen Do mowi, ze ich kosmetyki sa naturalne, bez sztucznych barwnikow, bez substancji zapachowych, bez olejow mineralnych, bez parabenow i bez alkoholu.

Here's the ingredient list for the Illuminators.

Tutaj sklad Illuminatorow.

The bottle is fitted with a convenient pump dispenser. However, you have to remember to shake the bottle quite vigorously before dispensing the product.

Butelka ma pompke, dziala bez zarzutu. Trzeba jednak niezle potrzasnac butelka przed uzyciem, zeby zawartosc wygladala prezentacyjnie po wypompowaniu.

It might look a bit scary at first, but if such a klutz like me can manage, then anyone can.

Wyglada troche przerazajaco, ale jesli taka ofiara jak ja daje rade, to kazdy da rade.

When blended, the white stuff turned into a delicate highlight. And the beige gave a warm, gentle touch. Almost like a very subtle bronzer.

The colors are very soft and I think it's impossible to overapply.

Po roztarciu bialy zamienil sie w niemal jedwabna poswiate. A bezowy dawal cieplutki, delikatny blask. Prawie jak bardzo delikatny bronzer.

Kolory sa tak miekkie i delikatne, ze zrobienie sobie nimi kuku jest chyba niemozliwe. Co najwyzej cala twarz bedzie pelna zdrowego blasku.

Though the Illuminators are intended to be used with Aqua Foundations, today we tested them with other products (including BB creams, cushion foundations, and other liquid foundations), and they worked fine with all. I'd say they looked better with Hera cushion than with Aqua Foundation.

Firma twierdzi, ze robione sa z mysla o uzyciu w tandemie z Aqua Foundation, ale dzis testowalysmy je w innych kombinacjach (z kremami BB, poduszkami, innymi podkladami w plynie i na gola twarz). Wspolpracowaly w kazdym zestawieniu bez zarzutu.
Powiedzialabym, ze najbardziej wow efekt byl wlasnie z poduszka Hery.

The price? Here:

Cena? Tutaj:

And that's it.
We enjoyed our visit to Koh Gen Do very much and next time we are hoping to investigate other makeup (I'm thinking pressed powder and lip glosses) and skincare products (I'm thinking the milk). And maybe I'll finally get my fancy cream in a fancy blue jar!

Koh Gen Do products are available on their website (no worries, it's in English), at high end department stores in the US (at Barneys, for example) and some Sephora locations.

If you don't live in the US or Japan, and want to order Koh Gen Do goodies, you can find a huge selection on this website - B-glowing.com. And yes, they do ship worldwide. And no, I am not affiliated with them :-)

Have you used Koh Gen Do cosmetics? 
What is your opinion?

I to by bylo na tyle.
Milo bylo odwiedzic salon Koh Gen Do, i jesli zrobimy powtorke z rozrywki, to chcialabym poznac blizej ich blyszczyki do ust i puder w kompakcie, kusi mnie tez mleko z linii pielegnacyjnej. No i ten nieszczesny ekskluzywny krem.

Kosmetyki Koh Gen Do mozna kupic bezposrednio na ich stronie internetowej (jest po angielsku), jak i w bardziej wyzszopolkowych departamentach w USA (takich jak Barneys, na przyklad) i niektorych Sephorach (w Stanach).

Sa rowniez dostepne w tym sklepie internetowym - B-glowing.com, z wysylka na caly swiat. I nie, nie wspolpracuje z nimi, po prostu mowie, ze maja i wysylaja :-)

Mialyscie stycznosc z kosmetykami Koh Gen Do?
Co o nich myslicie?

Update August 10th, 2014:

I was feeling lazy yesterday and decided to experiment a bit. I mixed the white Illuminator with some BB cream (Astablanc from Kose in this case, because of its heavier texture) and applied it on my face as I would a regular BB cream. 

And hot damn! I didn't have any major expectations, but what a pleasant surprise. This style of application gave me the skin I've only seen in magazines. Soft, glowing, delicately bright (or brightly delicate, both descriptions are accurate, hahaha!). I remembered my sad adventures with Etude House's Nymph Aura Volumer, and yesterday I got everything that Volumer either wouldn't, or couldn't deliver. Without the greasy, lardy feeling. 

Yet another proof that you get what you pay for...

Updejt 10 sierpnia:

Wzielo mnie na eksperymenty wczoraj i zmieszalam troche bialego Illuminatora z kremem BB. W tym przypadku wybor padl and Astablanc (marki Kose), bo ma troche ciezsza konsystencje i nie bardzo nadaje sie na lato. I sam w sobie jest dla mnie ciut za ciemny.

I posmarowalam na twarz (paluchami) jak zwykly krem BB.

Chcialam sprobowac czy taka metoda aplikacji sie do czegos przyda, i efekty totalnie mnie zaskoczyly. Przez reszte dnia mialam cere, ktora do tej pory dane mi tylko bylo ogladac w pismach dla kobiet czy na azjatyckich idolkach w telewizji. Az sama chcialam sie na siebie gapic w lustrze. Skora byla delikatnie rozswietlona, ale takim aksamitnym blaskiem, bez krzty drobinek, bez mokrego efektu "dewy", bez jakiegolwiek blyszczenia sie. Wygladala zdrowo, koloryt byl wyrownany, pory zamaskowane i calosc naprawde przypadla mi go gustu. Bez smalcowatosci, ktora pamietam z porazki z Nymph Aura Volumer.

To bylo to, na co liczylam od tego nieszczesnego Nymph Aura Volumer od Etude House, ale sie przeliczylam.

Kolejny dowod na to, ze masz to, za co placisz.

Ingredients that Whiten the Skin

Image Source: stockimages | Freedigitalphotos.net
any women, especially in the country where I live, yearn to have a lighter complexion. We are constantly being bombarded by advertisements of these products to convince us that having a fairer skin is desirable. Thus, many whitening products exist in the market to address this demand. 

Several creams, lotions, soaps, BB creams, and other skin care products contain whitening agents that may or may not work. In this post, I will be giving you an overview about the different substances (arranged alphabetically) found in our products that are known to whiten the skin. I will keep adding to this list in the future so stay tuned!


Arbutin is a naturally occurring substance found in the leaves of bearberry, cranberry, mulberry, and blueberry shrubs. When absorbed into the skin, it converts into hydroquinone. It inhibits melanin production and is most potent in its pure form. It is believed to be a safe alternative to hydroquinone though allergic reactions may arise in some users.


Glutathione is a substance that can be found in the body and is produced by the liver. It is involved in several physiological processes such as tissue repair and detoxification. When applied topically, glutathione can slow down melanin production,  resulting to lighter skin.


Hydroquinone whitens the skin by inhibiting the production of melanin (a pigment that gives color to the skin). Despite it's efficacy, the ingredient is banned in some countries due to it's controversial harmful effects. OTC products contain this substance up to 2% concentration, whereas prescription products contain 4% or more. When exposed to light, it turns into a brown color and loses it's efficacy.

Kojic Acid

Kojic Acid is a naturally occurring substance that may also used as a food additive. It whitens the skin by inhibiting the production of tyrosinase, a substance involved in melanin production. It is similar in efficacy with hydroquinone, and is found to cause no skin irritation at 1% concentration. However, when used long term, it may lead to contact dermatitis and erythema. Kojic Acid is unstable and will lose it's efficacy when exposed to sunlight or air.


Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3 that can be found in many foods such as milk, eggs, cereal grains, and meat. It is found in many beauty products and is commonly used to moisturize dry skin. It is also found to be effective in reducing skin pigmentation without harmful effects.

Vitamin C and Vitamin E

The hydrophilic Vitamin C and the fat-soluble Vitamin E are two of the substances that are commonly found in skin care products that claim to improve skin tone. A study showed that the two types of vitamins, when used together, are found to be more effective in whitening rather than when used alone.

So there you are, the ingredients that are responsible for whitening the skin. But of course, products containing one or more from the above list does not automatically mean they are effective. It still has to depend on the concentration of the whitening ingredient and the handling of the product, so make sure you do your research before you take the bait.


Rabu, 06 Agustus 2014

Jenis Jenis Sulam Alis

Nah yuk, sebelum sulam alis kenali dahulu jenis jenis sulam Alis sebelum kamu akhirnya salah pilih karena alismu bisa bertahan cukup lama yakni 1-3 tahun. Perlu di ketahui bahwa sulam alis bukanlah tatto, sulam alis tidak akan membuat botak bulu alis anda. Itulah gunanya di sulam untuk membuatnya terkesan natural.

Ini dia jenis jenis sulam Alis.

1. Sulam Alis 2 Dimensi (2d)
- Sulam Alis ini cocok sekali bagi anda yang memiliki bulu alis yang sangat tebal tetapi menginginkan alis lebih rapi dengan di sulam.
- Bentuk sulam alis ini hanya menyerupai garis garis sejajar yang tersusun longgar.

2. Sulam Alis 3 Dimensi (3d)
- Cocok dengan bulu alis tipis atau rata rata
- Bentuk alur alis bercabang dan garis garis alis lebih rapat

3. Sulam Alis 6 Dimensi (3d)
- Cocok untuk bulu alis tipis hingga botak
- Bentuk alur sangat rapat dan arah alur alis mengikuti arah tumbuh bulu bulu alis

Selasa, 05 Agustus 2014

Harga Sulam Alis

Banyak harga ditawarkan para pesulam alis di negara tercinta. tak tanggung tanggung hingga 8 juta rupiah per sekali sulam alis.
Anda bisa mendapatkan sulam alis murah dibeberapa daerah di Jakarta. Perlu dipertimbangkan higienitas dan kemahiran sulam alis sang pesulam. Harga mahal tidak menjamin kualitas dari hasil sulam alis itu sendiri.
Rata rata dibanderol lebih dari 2 juta rupiah ke atas, semakin mahir sang pesulam dengan jam terbang yang tinggi sudah barang tentu harga yang ditawarkan menjadi mahal.
Di Klinik Ayuni Skin Care yang beralamat di Timika, anda bisa mendapatkan harga sulam alis Rp.1,2 juta. Dokter Ayuni bisa didatangkan ke tempat anda diseluruh wilayah indonesia dengan minimal 5 orang per kotanya.