Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

What to Know About Skincare Product Labels

Can't decide which skincare products to buy? As for many buyers, they tend to just read the bold labels without analyzing the ingredients list. This is not good as many manufacturers would try to lure a consumer into buying their products by using eye-catching terms that don't really mean anything. Here are just some of the words or phrases you'll find in the packaging:


While there's nothing wrong to opt for products with hypoallergenic labels, it doesn't guarantee that the product won't irritate your skin. Manufacturers formulate this product and label it as hypoallergenic to mean that it is less likely to irritate your skin. However, each person's skin is unique. Different skins react differently from products. if you still get breakouts or allergic reactions from the product, stop using it.


Many manufacturers love putting on the natural label in front of their skincare products. It implies that natural is always better than synthetic ingredients. But natural is a broad term. Some natural ingredients can even cause irritation and breakouts. On the other hand, if you are looking for a particular natural ingredient that you know is great for the skin, you still have to check whether that ingredient is listed on top. Many manufacturers boast about an effective natural ingredient in their product even if it is only used in small concentrations. 


Opting for fragrance-free products will indeed benefit your sensitive skin. But the term 'unscented' isn't synonymous to 'fragrance-free.' This label doesn't spell out any benefits and only refers to the fact that the product has no noticeable smell. However, despite having no odor, it may still contain fragrances to mask the unpleasant odor that naturally results from the formulation, or may be used as preservatives.

Recommended by Dermatologist

It is a very confounding phrase to include in the packaging. Who is the dermatologist? Does he or she works for the company? 

Dermatologist Tested

Likewise, to claim a product to be dermatologist tested would arise a handful of questions, such as who is he, and from what institution? What are the results of the test? Who are the subjects of the test?


It's a term invented by manufacturers themselves to make the product appear medical. However, unlike medicines, cosmeceuticals don't undergo government regulations. Thus, manufacturers can put whatever ingredients they want. They claim to have added benefits of a drug, but in fact, some skincare products without the label can work as effectively.


It's a label for a cause, but doesn't relate to the products skincare benefits. If you love animals, this is definitely a label you would love to see. However, keep in mind that the specific ingredients used in the product are not guaranteed to have been cruelty-free. In fact, there might be a possibility that the ingredients had been tested on animals. Rather, the label refers to the finished product as not having been tested on animals instead of the specific ingredients listed.

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