Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015

Acseine Super Sunshield SPF50

2015 alcohol-free sunblock series, part 2
(part 1 can be found here)

That I am a lemming has been proven time and again. When someone says something is great, it's only natural that I will run out and buy it. Or at least sniff and smear it at the store.

Acseine has not been on my radar at all. I was vaguely aware of its existence but it did not interest me in the slightest. Even when it was highly rated by @Cosme (on a regular basis) and won a (Japanese) Vogue Beauty Award last year for some Aqua Moist Balance something or the other. No... I paid no attention to Acseine.

Until my smartphone turned really smart on me and suddenly targeted cosmetic ads started to appear on my screen. I'd be reading the world news on BBC or checking the weather and bam! An image box under the text began to extol the virtues of Acseine Super Sunshield, among many other things.

To, ze jestem lemmingiem, kazdy juz chyba wie. Kiedy slysze, ze cos jest niby dobre, to oczywiscie, ze natychmiast pojde i kupie. Albo przynajmniej pomacam w sklepie.
Acseine w ogole nie pojawial sie na moim kosmetycznym radarze. Tak jakos obilo mi sie o uszy, ze istnial, ale nie interesowal mnie on specjalnie. Nawet kiedy regularnie dostawal wysokie oceny na @Cosme i kiedy dostal jakas nagrode japonskiego Vogue za Aqua Moist Balance cos tam cos tam. Nie. Nadal mnie nie interesowal.
Az do chwili, kiedy moja madralska komorka naprawde zaczela sie wymadrzac i nagle zaczely mi sie pojawiac reklamy kosmetyczne. Czytam sobie BBC, albo sprawdzam pogode, i nagle bam! Pod tekstem pojawia sie reklama Acseine Super Sunshield, miedzy innymi.

How did my smartphone know that I was looking for sunblocks? Was it spying on me at the drugstore?

And because I always listen to the voices in my head smartphone, I had no choice. I went to Rosemary's late one night, right before the closing time (because that particular Rosemary's is staffed by racist pigs and I can't bear to spend any more time in their company than absolutely necessary).
I stared at the Acseine display.
The display stared back.

Co to? Czyzby moj smartphone szpiegowal moje zakupy drogeryjne? Skad wiedzial, ze kupowalam filtry?
A poniewaz zawsze slucham sie glosow w mojej glowie (lub smartphonie), nie mialam wyboru. Pewnego wieczora, na krotko przed zamknieciem sklepu, pojechalam do Rosemary's w miescie. Niestety w sklepie tym obsluga jest mniej niz mila dla gaijinow.
Gapilam sie na szafe Acseine.
Szafa Acseine gapila sie na mnie.

I listened to the voices. Like a good little lemming, I reached for the Super Sunshield. Saw that there were two different kinds of them.
I saw one racist pig causally saunter in my direction while pretending to dust the shelves.
The sunblocks were on the lowest shelf and while I was squatting on the floor, the pig proceeded to dust the Acesine display right above my head. All the while sharp eyeing me to make sure I wasn't pocketing anything other than dirty tissues I used to wipe the tester samples off my arm.

I decided to stand up abruptly and in the process the top of my head hit the racist pig right in the chin. Score! Serves her right for bending over me. While the pig was in a hurry to swallow the blood from her bitten tongue so she could apologize and bow without frothing pink at the mouth, I calmly asked her for one of each.

Posluchalam sie glosow w glowie (i smartphonie) i siegnelam po Super Sunshield. Okazalo sie, ze byly tego dwa rodzaje.
Pani z obslugi malo przyjaznej dla gaijinow zaczela kierowac sie w moja strone udajac, ze odkurza polki.
Filtry byly na najnizszej polce szafy Acseine, i kiedy kucalam sobie aby pomacac testery, pani zaczela odkurzac zaraz powyzej mojej glowy. Caly czas bacznie mnie obserwujac, czy aby nie wkladam do kieszeni czegos wiecej niz brudnych chusteczek, ktorymi wycieralam sobie rece po testerach.

Musialam w koncu wstac i zrobilam to dosyc nagle i gwaltownie. I moja glowa walnela ja prosto w dolna szczeke. Dziesiec punktow dla mnie, a ona ma za swoje. Po co sie nade mna tak pochylala? Kiedy pani z obslugi malo przyjaznej gaijinom starala sie zatamowac krwawienie z nadgryzionego jezyka, ja spokojnie i milo poprosilam po jednym z kazdego.

Acseine Super Sunshields, that is. To prevent shoplifting (yes, people do steal in Japan, regardless of what popular media might tell you, but of course everyone knows that it's only foreigners who shoplift), there were only testers and empty boxes on display.

The pig disappeared from view, no doubt to check if any of her teeth were broken. Another employee appeared with my chosen products and lead me to the registers. There, no doubt, to get rid of me in a hurry, she added a generous amount of Acseine samples and even asked if I had a store member's card. To her shock and horror, yes, I did.

Clutching my precious haul close to my chest, I disappeared into the night.

I hate that particular Rosemary's more than words can tell. And apparently, the feeling is mutual. But, sadly, the selection there is a lot better than what's on offer at their other, friendlier store.

So what exactly is that Acseine?

ACS stands for Allergen Control System (according to the company's website). It's a Japanese brand that was established back in 1973 by a dermatologist concerned by the sharp increase in dermatitis cases. Or something like that.

Po jednym z kazdego Acseine Super Sunshield, oczywiscie.
Aby zniechecic do kradziezy, w szafach staly tylko puste opakowania i testery. Tak, oczywiscie, ze ludzie kradna w sklepach w Japonii, na potege, opowiesci o honorze i uczciwosci mozna sobie miedzy mangi wlozyc. Ale kazdy Japonczyk przeciez wie, ze kradna tylko i wylacznie gaijini (sarkazm, zeby nie bylo nieporozumien).

Pani z krawiacym jezykiem zniknela, pewnie po to, zeby sprawdzic, czy ktorys z zebow jej sie nie zlamal, a inna pani pojawila sie z moimi filtrami. Niemal za reke zaprowadzila mnie do kasy, i na odchodne dorzucial duza garsc probek Acseine. I nawet zapytala sie czy karte lojalnosciowa mam. Ku jej zaskoczeniu - mialam.
Zlapalam moje cenne zakupy i popedzilam do samochodu.

No coz, przyznaje sie bez bicia. Nienawidze tego oddzialu Rosemary's. I jak widac - z wzajemnoscia. Niestety maja dobry wybor kosmetykow. Duzo lepszy niz moj ulubiony Rosemary's na drugim koncu miasta.

Ale, ale, mialo byc o Acseine...
Co to wlasciwie jest?
Acseine to japonska marka dermokosmetykow zalozona w 1973 roku przez dermatologa, ktory zauwazyl nagly skok w ilosci pacjentow z podraznieniami skory natury alergicznej. ACS znaczy tyle to Allergen Control System.


Anyway, fast forward to 2015 and Acseine offers a full range of skincare and makeup.
The skincare samples I tried were very nice. In fact, they were so nice that for a few days I was seriously considering ditching my entire skincare collection and switching to Acseine exclusively.

Acseine products are supposed to be gentle for the skin and free of common allergens and skin irritants.

Today we will talk about two such gems.

My last alcohol-free sunblock review - Shigaisen Yohou - turned out to be highly controversial. It was pointed out to me that it's the nature of chemical-free sunblocks to leave a white cast and be heavy on the skin. And that criticizing a physical-only sunblock for those attributes is like complaining that the sun shines.

And that might very well be the case for most, let me repeat it again, for most, alcohol-free sunblocks. Especially for those of average (or less) quality on the lower-end of sunblock spectrum.

Teraz w 2015 roku Acseine oferuje kompletna linie do pielegnacji i makijazu dla cery wrazliwej, alergicznej, leczonej, itp, itd.
Probki pielegnacyjne ktore probowalam byly dobre. Tak dobre, ze przez kilka dni, kiedy ich uzywalam, mialam ochote wywalic wszystkie inne kosmetyki i przestawic sie tylko i wylacznie na Acseine.
Dlaczego sa tak dobre? Bo sa bardzo lagodne dla skory i nie zawieraja skladnikow powodujacych nieprzyjemne skorne niespodzianki.

Dzis porozmawiamy o dwoch takich co chronia przed sloncem.

Moja poprzednia recenzja filtru bezalkoholowego (link powyzej w wersji anglo) okazala sie dosyc kontrwersyjna. Wytknieto mi, ze to przeciez taka natura filtrow fizycznych, ze biela i ze sa ciezkie na skorze. I ze narzekanie na to, ze filtr fizyczny na takie cechy, to tak jak narzekanie na to, ze slonce jest i swieci.
I moze to i prawda dla wiekszosci, powtarzam raz jeszcze, dla wiekszosci, filtrow nie-chemicznych bez alkoholu w skladzie. Szczegolnie dla tych o przecietnej (lub mniej) jakosci z bardzo niskiej polki filtrowej.

Luckily for us (yes, you too! Otherwise you'd have to suffer through yet another complaining review), Acseine is not one of them.
And unfortunately for us (yes, me too, because damn, I can't stock up), it's not on the lower-end of sunblock spectrum either. It's pricey. Which only goes to prove that if you want quality, you gotta pay for it. (Yes, there are exceptions to this rule, but that's what they are - exceptions).

So, what do we have here?

Two different sunblocks.

Our first contestant is the one and only Acseine Super Sunshield EX SPF 50+ PA++++.

Na szczescie dla nas (tak, dla was tez, bo inaczej narzekalibyscie, ze znowu narzekam), Acseine nie jest takim filtrem.
Na nieszczescie dla nas (tak, dla mnie tez, bo bede narzekac, ze nie jestem w stanie obkupic sie na zapas), nie jest to produkt z niskiej polki filtrowej. Jest drogi. Co potwierdza regule, ze za jakosc sie placi. (Tak, sa wyjatki, ale tym one wlasnie sa - wyjatkami).

Wiec, co mamy tutaj?
Dwa rozne filtry.

Pierwszy zawodnik to Acseine Super Sunshield EX SPF50+ PA++++.

It claims to be moisturizing, non-chemical, waterproof, hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, alcohol (ethanol) free, non-comedogenic, and with something called PV (Perfect Veil) technology where the tint in the formula does not touch the skin directly.

It's packaged in a swanky bottle of microscopic proportions.

Producent twierdzi, ze nie zawiera filtrow chemicznych, ze jest wodoodporny, hypoalergiczny, nawilzajacy, bezzapachowy, bezalkoholowy, nie zapychajacy, z technologia PV (Perfect Veil) dzieki ktorej barwniki w skladzie nie dotykaja bezposrednio skory (zeby przez przypadek nie uczulic).

Zapakowany jest w buteleczke o mikroskopijnych rozmiarach.

Seriously, this thing is tiny. Inside there is just 22 grams of product. And the price, while not heart-attack inducing, can be a deal breaker for many.
Because the truth is that a single package of Acseine Super Sunshield EX SPF 50+ PA++++ will set you back 4320 yen, tax included. Ouch!

Ok, let's take a closer look.
There is a pump dispenser! Whoa! This company listens to what people want. Amazing!

Serio, ta butelusia jest maciunka. W srodku mamy tylko 22 gramy produktu. I ach ta cena... Moze nie przyprawiajaca o atak serca, ale jest blisko.
Bo jedno opakowanie Acseine Super Sunshield EX SPF 50+ PA++++ bedzie nas kosztowac 4320 jenow (VAT wliczony). Oj boli to, boli...

Przyjrzyjmy mu sie z bliska.
Ma pompke! Niesamowite. Japonska marka z pompka. Cuda przyrody!

What comes out is more like a serum than a non-chemical sunblock. I'll show you the swatches in a minute.
But believe me, this is everything that they said it would be.
For once @Cosmetizens didn't lie.
This is as perfect as an alcohol-free sunblock can get. Gentle, light, non-sticky, non-greasy, perfect on the skin.
The week I was testing it, my skin looked so good and felt so good, I just wanted to keep touching it.
I'm wearing it today, and I got so used to the feeling of something good on my face, that I dread going back to testing my other alcohol-free sunblocks. Because after Acseine, the majority of them will end up in the "mediocre" and "garbage" piles.

Here is our contestant number two.

To co wychodzi z pompki bardziej przypomina serum niz nie-chemiczny filtr. Swatche beda za minutke.

I co tu duzo pisac, wszystkie plotki o Acseine Super Sunshield EX SPF 50+ PA++++ i przechwalki producenta okazaly sie czysta prawda.
Chyba po raz pierwszy panny z @Cosme nie klamaly,
To jest filtr fizyczny marzenie. Delikatny, leciutki, nie lepiacy, nie tlusty, idealny na skorze.
Przez tydzien, kiedy go testowalam, moja skora wygladala i czula sie swietnie. Tak swietnie, ze przez caly czas chcialam ja dotykac, zeby miec pewnosc, ze to nie sen.
Mam go na twarzy i dzis, i tak sie przyzwyczailam do tego wspanialego uczucia, ze az mi sie nie chce testowac reszty moich bezalkoholowych filtrow. Bo wiem, ze po Acseine, wiekszosc z nich wyjdzie bardzo slabo, albo wyladuje w koszu.

Tutaj zawodnik numer dwa.

Acseine Super Sunshield N SPF50 PA+++, which is a milk type non-chemical, waterproof, hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, alcohol (ethanol) free, non-comedogenic sunblock.
It also features the PV (Perfect Veil) technology and is equipped with something called UV shield aqua filter, which is supposed to create a uniform film on the skin for even protection.

Again, the Acseine Super Sunshield N SPF50 PA+++ bottle is tiny. Inside there's just 25 ml of product, which wouldn't hurt if it cost, oh, let's say 800 yen. But no. This thing will set you back 3780 yen, tax included. Ouch again.

You need to shake the bottle, so there is no fancy pump here.

Acseine Super Sunshield N SPF50 PA+++ to filtr w formie mleczka, ktory jest nie-chemiczny, wodoodporny, hypoalergiczny, bezzapachowy, bezalkoholowy, niezapychajacy.
Rowniez zawiera technologie PV (Perfect Veil) oraz posiada cos, co firma nazwala "UV shield aqua filter", ktory to ma tworzyc rowna powloke na skorze dla idealnej ochrony.

I jak poprzednio, butelusia Acseine Super Sunshield N SPF50 PA+++ jest malenka. W srodku mamy tylko 25 ml produktu. Nie bolaloby to tak bardzo, gdyby kosztowal on, powiedzmy, 800 jenow. Ale nie... Nie ma tak dobrze. Kosztuje 3780 jenow (VAT wliczony). Boli. Bardzo boli...

Bo to mleczko, to trzeba wstrzasnac butelke przed uzyciem, wiec nie ma tu pompki.

What comes out is a pinkish beige liquid, which is ridiculously light and non-greasy.
It does take time to dry. But when it dries... oh my! It's more like a makeup base than a sunblock.
My only complaint would be that it's more suited for pink undertones.

Oh, what am I going to explain...
Just take a look at the swatches.

To co wychodzi z butelki to rozowo-bezowy plyn, ktory jest niesamowicie lekki i zupelnie nietlusty (nigdy nie wiem jak piszemy "nie" z przymiotnikami... sorry).
Schnie dosyc dlugo. Ale jak juz wyschnie! Cuda wianki... Bardziej przypomina baze pod makijaz niz filtr przeciwsloneczny.
Jedyne co malo mi sie podoba, to fakt, ze bardziej odpowiada cerom o rozowych podtonach.

Ale co ja tam bede opisywac...
Tutaj swatche w calej okazalosci.

This was the easiest way ever to solve the white cast problem. Just make the product flesh toned.
A greedier (or more business savvy) company would call it a CC something or the other and laugh all the way to the bank.

To chyba najlatwiejszy sposob na problem bielenia. Zrobic produkt o odcieniu skory (mniej wiecej). Bardziej pazerna firma nazwalaby ten filtr "CC tamto-i-owamto" i smiala sie patrzac jak im konto w banku rosnie.

Here I had to swatch them again, because I forgot to take more photos. That's why the products are in a different order.
You can see that the EX (top) is more beige, and that the N (bottom) is more white.

Tutaj musialam je zeswatchowac raz jeszcze, bo zapomnialam zrobic wiecej zdjec. Dlatego tez produkty sa w odwrotnej kolejnosci niz na poprzednim zdjeciu.
Jak widac wersja EX (gora) jest bardziej bezowa, a wersja N (dol) bardziej biala.

And all done. If you think that the N version looks matte, yes, you are right. Matte. Non-shiny. Non-greasy. Non-chemical. Waterproof. Perfection.

Can it get any better?
With an English ingredient list, perhaps?

Acseine has you covered here, too.

Watch this!

I gotowe! Jesli myslisz, ze wersja N wyglada na matowa, masz zupelna racje. Mat. Jest mat. Nie ma swiecenia. Nie ma tlustosci. Nie ma chemicznych filtrow. Nie ma alkoholu. Perfekcja.
Czy moze byc jeszcze lepiej?
Oczywiscie, ze moze!
Sklad po angielsku moze byc!

Acseine Super Sunshield EX SPF 50+ PA++++ ingredient list:

Holy mother of Batman! I didn't even realize it was in English until I got home.

Ze sklad jest dwujezyczny zauwazylam dopiero jak go przynioslam do domu.

And here we have Acseine Super Sunshield N SPF 50 PA+++ ingredient list:

So there you have it.

If not for the price, these babies could easily qualify for my holy grail status.
They are exactly what I want in an alcohol-free sunblock.

If I have Acseine Super Sunshield EX SPF 50+ PA++++ on my face, I can easily go out without makeup. It looks that good.

I to koniec tej opowiesci.
Gdyby nie ta cena, to bylyby to moje KWC.
Kiedy mam na twarzy Acseine Super Sunshield EX SPF 50+ PA++++ moge isc miedzy ludzi bez makijazu, bo cera wyglada tak dobrze.

If I'm using Acseine Super Sunshield N SPF 50 PA+++, I have a perfect sun protecting makeup base.
And yes, they do protect. No suntan on my face at all.

I have a feeling that this is just the beginning of my romance with this brand. Because, let me tell you, their sheet masks... Ahhhh... Pixie dust and unicorn tears and all that.
But that's a story for another blog post another time...

A kiedy uzywam Acseine Super Sunshield N SPF 50 PA+++ mam idealna baze z wysoka ochrona przed sloncem.
Oba filtry chronia. I chronia dobrze. Zero opalenizny na twarzy.

Cos czuje, ze to dopiero poczatek mojego romansu z ta marka. A ich maski plachtowe... Achhhh!! Ale to juz opowiesc na inny wpis blogowy...

Selasa, 23 Juni 2015

Product Review: Laneige Light Balancing Emulsion

I"ve been using Jason Natural Soothing 98% Aloe Vera Moisturizing Gel for my daily skin care routine. In general, it works fine, but the texture is too tacky for my liking. So I decided to go to the mall to hunt for a new moisturizer. I decided to go for a bit high-end type of product, so I chose Laneige Light Balancing Emulsion, which has many positive reviews across the net. However, the emulsion is supposed to be applied before the moisturizer, which is being sold separately. Knowing that Korean skincare routine requires tons of products (FYI, Laneige is a Korean product) as compared to my preferred routine, I neglected to buy the moisturizer as a combo to this. Instead, I would just use the emulsion as my sole moisturizer.

Product Name: Laneige Light Balancing Emulsion

Price and Availability: Php1,500.00/120ml (Laneige Philippines), Amazon

Water, Butylene Glycol, Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, Cyclopentasiloxane, Propanediol, Pentaerythrityltetraisostearate, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein/ PVP Crosspolymracter, Dimethicone, PEG-40 Stearate, Cyclohexasiloxane, Algae Extract, Glycogen, Glutamic Acid, Glycerin, Niacinamide, Dimethicone / Vinyl Dmethicone Crosspolymer, Lysine HCL, Magnesium Sulfate, Manganese Sulfate, Zinc Sulfate, Beta-Glucan, Zigiber Officinale (Ginger) Root Extract, Salicornia Herbacea Extract Lactobacillus / Water Hyacinth Ferment, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Mannitol, Serine, Cetearyl Alcohol, Sorbitan Stearate, Sucrose, Stearyl Behenate, Citrulline, Alanine, Arginine, Aommonium Acryloyl Dimethyltaurate / VP Copolymer, Inulin Lauryl Carbamate, Carbomer, Threonine Polyglyceryl-3 Methylglucose Distearate Polysorbate-20, Polysilicone-11, PCA, Histidine HCL, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate / Sodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate Copolymer, Hydroxypropyl Bispalmitamide Mea, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Disodium EDTA, Tramethamine, Fragrance

Remarks: Within the list above, Cetearyl Alcohol  scores 4 out of 5 in terms of comedogenicity.


According to the label:
- Controls excess sebum and balances hydration for clear and transparent skin.
- Dermatologist tested
- For combination to oily skin types
- Made in Korea


Despite having one highly comedogenic ingredient in the list, I still decided to go for the product and see if it works for me. The emulsion comes in a large bottle with a pump and cap. I find the packaging very pretty yet simple. The bluish color of the bottle suggests the hydrating effect of the contents.

The emulsion is white in color with a runny consistency. It's very light when applied. The scent is very faintly floral, which I like. One to two squirts is enough for my entire face. It is very easy to spread and the texture is very slippery on the skin. The product is absorbed easily into the skin. It reminds me of my previous moisturizer Kiehl's Ultra Facial Oil-Free Gel Creamwhich works great but comes in a not-so hygienic jar. In comparison, both delivers well due to their lightweight consistency. I can use both as a primer to my BB cream. However, when it comes to the packaging, the easy-to-use pump from Laneige is the clear winner.

One squirt goes a long way..

A swatch of the product. It's really very runny.

Here's what it looks like when applied into the skin.

Is the emulsion enough as a moisturizer? If you have very oily face like mine, it is definitely enough. I even used this during the winter season in Tokyo, and I didn't experience any breakout, peeling, or windburn. Perhaps using it along with a sunscreen (I was using Alba Botanical Hawaiian Sunscreen at that time) had helped a lot.

Now that I'm back in Manila, and the summer has passed, I notice that I still do get breakouts (I use it at nighttime only during the humid months). During my last visit to the dermatologist, he suggested skipping the moisturizer in my routine or using it at least occasionally. I still moisturize though whenever I see a peeling from my acne medications.

To sum up, here's a rundown of the pros and cons:

- beautiful and user-friendly packaging
- does not cause breakouts
- very lightweight
- a few squirts goes a long way

- might not be as moisturizing to dry skin
- price


Will I buy this product again? Perhaps. The price may be a bit turn-off, but at least it would take months for me to finish up a bottle. If you have very oily skin like me and doesn't mind spending a bit more, then this product is for you.

Rating: 4.5/5

Minggu, 14 Juni 2015

Shigaisen Yohou sunblocks

2015 alcohol-free sunblock series, part 1

For most people it's that time of the year. Sunblock time.
For me, it doesn't matter whether it's the middle of June or January, because I use sun protection all year round. Why? I hate wrinkles and I hate skin cancer even more.

What I don't hate is alcohol in my sunblocks. To be honest, I actually prefer the alcoholic formulas. I think they work better during our hot and humid summers here in Japan.

So why on earth am I testing alcohol-free sunblocks this season?
They seem to be popular with the sensitive skin foreign crowd and if everybody and their mother are into alcohol-free sunblocks, who am I to be left out? The crowd goes and I follow.

So, like a good, little lemming that I am, I marched (drove, actually, the only marching I did was from the parking lot to the elevator) to my favorite drugstore downtown and did some serious alcohol-free sunblock shopping.

I've been dutifully testing my haul, and slowly I am getting to ready to share with you my first (and in many cases last) impressions.

Dla wiekszosci ludzi, nadeszla ta pora roku. Pora na filtr przeciwsloneczny.
Dla mnie nie ma znaczenia czy jest styczen czy czerwiec. Filtrow uzywam zawsze, przez caly rok. Dlaczego? Bo nie lubie zmarszczek. Ale raka skory nie lubie jeszcze bardziej.

To, do czego nie palam nienawiscia, to alkohol w skladach filtrow. W japonskim klimacie alkoholowe filtry sprawdzaja sie o niebo lepiej niz inne.
Wiec dlaczego zabralam sie za testowanie bezalkoholowych filtrow w tym sezonie?
Ano dlatego, ze sa one ostatnio bardzo modne wsrod kolek wzajemnej adoracji kosmetykow azjatyckich. Wiec jak wszyscy, to wszyscy i ja tez.

Wiec jak kazdy posluszny lemming, podreptalam grzecznie do drogerii i zrobilam masywne bezalkoholowe zakupy.
Testy juz zaczelam, wiec w tym sezonie bede sie dzielila moimi pierwszymi (i w wielu wypadkach rowniez ostatnimi) wrazeniami.

Shigaisen Yohou UV Cream 4+ and Shigaisen Yohou Whitening UV Cream are both alcohol-free sunblocks offering SPF 50+ protection.

They are made by Ishizawa Labs and are fairly easy to find in Japan. Not sure how it is with their online availability.

Shigaisen Yohou UV Cream 4+ was actually released last season and I remember debating whether or not to buy it last year. I didn't buy it. I chose NOV UV Shield EX and it was an excellent choice.
NOV spoiled me. It showed that that a non-chemical sunblock can be excellent.

Shigaisen Yohou UV Cream 4+ is a bit cheaper than NOV. And just like NOV it is intended for sensitive and dry skin.
It's supposed to be water and sweat resistant and can function as a makeup base. Not sure in what galaxy, but that's what the manufacturer says.

Shigaisen Yohou UV Cream 4+ i Shigaisen Yohou Whitening UV Cream to dwa filtry bez alkoholu w skladzie, ktore oferuja ochrone SPF50.
Produkowane sa przez firme Ishizawa Labs i latwo je mozna kupic niemal wszedzie w Japonii. Nie jestem pewna jak jest z ich dostepnoscia przez internet.
Shigaisen Yohou UV Cream 4+ wszedl do sprzedazy juz w zeszlym roku i pamietam, ze debatowalam sama ze soba czy mam go kupic, czy moze jednak nie. Nie kupilam. Zamiast tego, kupilam NOV UV Shield EX, ktory okazal sie strzalem w dziesiatke. A nawet w jedenastke. NOV rozpiescil mnie. Pokazal, ze nie-chemiczny filtr moze byc dobry.

Shigaisen Yohou UV Cream 4+ jest nieco tanszy niz NOV. I podobnie jak NOV, przeznaczony jest dla cery suchej i wrazliwej.
Ma rowniez byc wodo- i potoodpornym. I moze byc uzywany jako baza pod makijaz, wedle zapewnien producenta. Yeah, sralis mazgalis...

And oh yeah, it's free not only of alcohol, but of other additives as well. No parabens, no fragrance, no artificial color, blah blah blah...

Ratzilla listed it as her number 3 pick for 2015, which again confirms that she and I have completely different expectations regarding sunscreens. Or, as my friend said "meh, looks like she never even tried it and just copied what's on the package". Maybe...
I don't know.

Oh, i jeszcze oprocz alkoholu ma byc rowniez bez innych cudow - bez parabenow, bez zapachow, bez sztucznych kolorow, itepe, itede...
Ratzilla w swoim zestawieniu top 5 filtrow na rok 2015 (link powyzej w wersji angielskiej) ma go na trzecim miejscu (w przypadkowej kolejnosci, jak sama pisze). To, ze ma go w tym zestawieniu w ogole, jest dla mnie zaskoczeniem. Potwierdza tylko, ze mamy zupelnie inne oczekiwania odnosnie filtrow.

What I do know is that this is a very powerful sunblock that is completely unsuitable if you have truly dry and sensitive skin.

I have tried my best to like it. After all, Ratzi said it's supposed to be all sorts of great. And good little lemmings listen to Ratzi, because Ratzi knows best, right?


Od razu moge powiedziec, ze to jest potezny filtr, ktory zupelnie nie nadaje sie dla cery suchej i wrazliwej. Chcialam go lubic. No bo Ratzi ma go w swoim top 5 zestawieniu. A przeciez dla lemmingow, ktore chca byc na czasie z japonskimi filtrami, Ratzi to alfa i omega, co nie?


This sunblock takes forever to dry, leaves a sticky layer and no matter how hard I tried, it would not work as a makeup base.

I am fairly pale, so on my ghostly complexion I did not notice any white cast, but if you are any darker than NW or NC 15, prepare to be surprised.

I also felt that it accentuated my pinkishness even more, if that's at all possible. To the point that I looked like a kid who spent the whole day outside not in the sun, but in sub-zero temperatures.

I did like its bulletproof sunblocking ability.
What I didn't like was the fact that about 1 to 2 hours after application, my face was screaming for air. It was literally suffocating. I would have to force myself to stop clawing at my face trying to get that air-proof layer off of my skin. But as I was at work, and sadly my work duties do not include horror movies reenactments, I gave up on using Shigaisen Yohou UV Cream SPF 50+ PA++++.

I passed it on to someone who has skin a lot less sensitive than mine.

Ten filtr schnie przez wieki, zostawia lepiaca powloke, i bez wzgledu na to, jak bardzo sie staralam, nie chcial byc uzywany jako baza pod makijaz.
Ja jestem blada, wiec na mojej twarzy nie widzialam bielenia, ale osoby ciemniejsze niz NW czy NC15 w skali MACowej, beda wygladac jakby wysmarowaly sie pasta do zebow.
Moja twarz jest rozowa i ten filtr zrobil ja jeszcze bardziej rozowa. Do tego stopnia, ze wygladalam jak dziecko, ktore spedzilo dzien na mrozie, a nie w tropikalnym upale.

To co mi sie podobalo, to jego kuloodporna ochrona przed sloncem.
To co mi sie nie podobalo, to fakt, ze jakas godzine czy dwie po nalozeniu na twarz, moja skora doslownie sie dusila. Do tego stopnia, ze mialam ochote zedrzec ten filtr wlasnymi pazurami wraz ze skora. Niestety bylam w pracy, a szefowi nie bardzo by sie podobalo, jakbym zaczela odgrywac sceny rodem z horrorow.
Wiec to byl koniec mojej przygody z Shigaisen Yohou UV Cream 4+.

Oddalam go komus mniej wybrednemu jesli chodzi o filtry.

After such exciting adventures, it's easy to see why I was reluctant to try Shigaisen Yohou Whitening UV Cream SPF 50 PA+++.

While in Shigaisen Yohou UV Cream 4+ the first ingredient listed is water, in the medicated version we have ascorbyl glucoside (water is the 16th ingredient, after tocopherol and butylene glycol).

What's ascorbyl glucoside? According to them innernets, it's a stable form of Vitamin C made by combining said vitamin with glucose. Supposedly it can dramatically reduce the free radicals from sun exposure and thus significantly reduce cell damage and photo-aging.

Sounds awesome. Where do I sign up?

And oh yeah, just like the original version, Shigaisen Yohou Whitening UV Cream SPF 50 PA+++ is also alcohol-free, paraben-free, and all that.

Po takich przygodach podchodzilam do Shigaisen Yohou Whitening UV Cream SPF 50 PA+++ jak do jeza.
O ile Shigaisen Yohou UV Cream 4+ jako pierwszy skladnik mial wode, w tej wersji mamy tutaj ascorbyl glucoside, co jest ponoc stabilna wersja witaminy C. Gdzie witamina C jest polaczona z glukoza. Ponoc ma to dramatycznie zredukowac wolne rodniki z powodu wystawiania skory na slonce, a przez to zapobiegac zniszczeniu komorek i opoznic proces foto-starzenia.
Cuda wianki. Gdzie moge sie zapisac?

I tak jak wersja oryginalna, Shigaisen Yohou Whitening UV Cream SPF 50 PA+++ jest rowniez bez alkoholu, bez parabenow, itepe, itede.

I found the texture and consistency of the medicated whitening version to be much more delicate than the original one. Dare I say it was actually lighter than the original?

It also took a long time to dry. It was also quite sticky when "dry" and just like the original version, there was no way in hell it was going to work as a makeup base.

But my skin seemed to like it a lot more. I could wear it on my face for about 8 hours, and while I could feel it was there, there was no desperate screaming for oxygen, or clawing at my face.
It's a pity then that after about 5 days it broke me out. I treated the small, white bumps on my forehead and cheeks with a sake kasu mask, and when the weekend was over, I was as good as new.

Konsystencja wersji whitening wydaje mi sie bardziej delikatniejsza niz wersji oryginalnej. Moge powiedziec, ze lzejsza?
Rowniez schlo to to wieki. I tak jak przy wersji oryginalnej, bylo bardzo lepkie, kiedy juz "wyschlo". Zupelnie nie nadawalo sie na baze pod makijaz.
Ale moja cera nie krzyczala juz o powietrze. Moglam miec to na twarzy przez 8 godzin. Ale czulo sie ta maske, oj czulo.
Niestety, po 5 dniach mialam na twarzy wysyp malych bialych nieprzyjaciol. Musialam ratowac sie maseczka z sake kasu (link powyzej w wersji anglo) i przez weekend twarz mi sie poprawila.


I decided to try Shigaisen Yohou Whitening UV Cream on my arms, and there it works like a charm (unlike the disastrous SkinAqua UV Moisture Milk piece of kaka that left me with a tan, when the only direct sun exposure I get is during the two minutes a day running either to or from my car to the office building).

Now the white cast that the medicated whitening version leaves (of course there is a white cast, what did you think?) nicely balances out my unfortunate tan. All is good in the world again.

Both Shigaisen Yohous come in small tubes of 40 grams each.

Zaczelam uzywac Shigaisen Yohou Whitening UV Cream SPF 50 PA+++ na ramionach i tam sprawuje sie dobrze. W przeciwienstwie do SkinAqua UV Moisture Milk, ktore bylo chyba najwieksza tandeta, jaka do tej pory mialam okazje wyprobowac. Niestety kiedy uzywalam SkinAqua UV Moisture Milk ramiona mi sie opalily.
Wiec teraz bielenie jakie pozostawia Shigaisen Yohou Whitening UV Cream SPF 50 PA+++ ladnie zeruje moja nieszczesna naramienna opalenizne.

Oba Shigaiseny sa dostepne w tubkach po 40 gramow kazda.

And in yet another example of Japan's galapagos syndrome, of course both versions feature screw cap tops, orange for the original version, and white for the whitening medicated cream.
I've given up any hope of seeing a flip top on a Japanese cosmetic product... Oh well...

Oczywiscie, poniewaz japonskich galapagos syndrom ma sie swietnie, obie tubki maja zakretki. Nie zamkniecia na klik, nie pompki, a zakretki.
Czy naprawde az tak trudno jest zrobic zamkniecie na klik? Czy taka technologia przerasta japonskie firmy?

Yep, they're tiny, I told ya.

I don't remember the exact prices I paid, but according to Ishizawa Lab website, Shigaisen Yohou UV Cream 4+ will set you back 1944 yen (tax included) and Shigaisen Yohou Whitening UV Cream SPF 50 PA+++ should cost 2484 yen (tax included).

And now, what everyone's been waiting for. The swatches.

Let's open the tiny tubes:

To male tubki.
Nie pamietam dokladnie ile placilam, ale wedlug strony producenta, Shigaisen Yohou UV Cream 4+ powinien kosztowac okolo 1944j jenow (wraz z podatkiem), a Shigaisen Yohou Whitening UV Cream SPF 50 PA+++ okolo 2484 wraz z podatkiem.

A teraz to, na co wszyscy czekaja. Swatche.
Czas otworzyc te tubki.

Let's squeeze some out:

I wycisnijmy troche:

Top - the original, which on the tube is described as "mild formula".
Bottom - the whitening version.

U gory - wersja oryginalna, ktora na tubce opisana jest jako "delikatna formula".
Na dole - wersja whitening.

Yikes! It's thick and sticky. But I did warn you, didn't I?

I jest gesto i lepko. A nie mowilam?

You can't see the white cast on my white arm, but trust me, it's there.

And now, if you're still interested, here are the ingredients.

Bielenie nie jest zbyt widoczne, ale uwierzcie mi, jest.
A teraz, jesli ktos jest nadal zainteresowany, sklady.

  • Shigaisen Yohou Whitening UV Cream SPF 50 PA+++ ingredient list: 
Ascorbyl Glucoside, Stearyl Glycyrrhetinate, Sodium Hyaluronate, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Saxifraga Sarmentosa Extract, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Oil, Tocopherol, Glycerin, Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Cellulose Acetate, Zinc Oxide, Butylene Glycol, Pentylene Glycol, Cyclopentasiloxane, Water (Aqua), Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Phenyl Trimethicone, Polymethylsilsesquioxane, PEG-9 Polydimethylsiloxyethyl Dimethicone, Quaternium-18 Hectorite, Methicone, Vinyl Dimethicone/Methicone Silsesquioxane Crosspolymer, Magnesium Sulfate, Sorbitan Sesquiisostearate, Sodium Hydroxide, Silica Silylate, Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Tetrasodium EDTA, Silica, Phenoxyethanol

I plugged it into CosDNA, here's the link.

For the ingredients of Shigaisen Yohou UV Cream 4+ visit dear Ratzi, link here.

Jesli anazliza na CosDNA (link powyzej).
A sklad Shigaisen Yohou UV Cream 4+ jest na portalu u Ratzilli, link powyzej.

Final thoughts:

If this is your first time trying an alcohol-free Japanese sunblock, or if you're not really that picky about what you put on your skin, you'd be amazed at sheer awesomeness of this stuff.

Koncowa opinia:

Osoby, ktore nigdy przedtem nie probowaly bezalkoholowych filtrow z Japonii, i biala sciana im nie straszna, beda Shigaisenami zachwycone.

As for me, I know I will not repurchase. One time was enough.
There are better options, even in the same price range. Yes, NOV, I'm looking at you again.

This is the end of part 1.
Stay tuned.

Dla mnie ten jeden raz byl wystarczajacy. Z pewnoscia nie kupie ponownie. Sa lepsze opcje, nawet w tej samej przedzialce cenowej (tak znowu o NOV chodzi).

To koniec czesci 1.
Czesc 2 juz wkrotce.

PS. Part 2 is here.

PS. Czesc 2 tutaj.