Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015

On bloggers and ingredients

Today let's talk about ingredients.
In cosmetics. In makeup and skincare products.

What inspired this post was a comment exchange I had earlier this week with a certain beauty blogger. She happened to like the Lancome Miracle Cushion (my review - here), and that's fine. I'm sure many people love it and for them it's the best thing since pushup bras.

What was surprising was her explanation why. She had tried Korean cushions before - from Etude House and Laneige. And claimed that both of them broke her out. I'm not surprised by that. Every skin is different and we all have different breakout triggers.
But the blogger claimed that Korean cushions (as well as BB creams and foundations) are loaded with parabens, and she specifically singled out parabens as the reason for her breakouts.
According to her, the Lancome cushion is compatible to her skin, because what's inside it is better than what's inside Korean cushions.
When I pointed out how ill-informed and on how many levels that comment was, she deleted my replies. Oh well...

But that just goes to prove yet again that ingredient listings are a dangerous thing, especially in the hands of people who can't read.
Because if you blame your skin troubles on parabens in certain products, it might be a good idea to first check if there are parabens in said products. If there aren't any, you will end up looking less than credible, no matter how many comments you delete.

Dzis porozmawiajmy o skladach kosmetykow.
Czas najwyzszy.

Inspiracja do dzisiejszego wpisu byla wymiana komentarzy z pewna blogerka kosmetyczna (niepolska). Bardzo polubila sie z Lancome Miracle Cushion (moja recenzja tej poduszki - tutaj). I w porzadku. Wiele osob uwaza ta poduszke za cud, miod i orzeszki.

Co bylo dziwne w tym przypadku, to jej wyjasnienie dlaczego.
Otoz, probowala ona poprzednio koreanskich poduszek - Etude House i Laneige. I twierdzi, ze po obu z nich bardzo ja wysypalo. To samo w sobie nie jest dziwne. Kazda cera jest inna i reaguje inaczej.
Ale ta blogerka nie zatrzymala sie w tym miejscu i pedzila dalej.
Twierdzi ona, ze koreanskie poduszki (jak i BB kremy i podklady) sa naladowane parabenami i specjalnie podkreslila, ze to wlasnie parabeny ja wysypuja.
Wedlug niej, Lancome Miracle Cushion ma o wiele lepszy sklad niz koreanskie produkty.
Kiedy usilowalam jej wyjasnic, ze jest zle poinformowana na temat skladow koreanskich kosmetykow, usunela moje komentarze, zostawiajac tylko te, ktore "potwierdzaja" jej punkt widzenia.

To tylko dowodzi, ze sklady INCI to bardzo niebezpieczna rzecz, szczegolnie w rekach ludzi, ktorzy nie potrafia czytac.
Bo jesli winisz parabeny za swoje problemy skorne, to moze dobrze byloby zaczac od sprawdzenia czy dany produkt w ogole ma je w skladzie. Bo jesli nie, ale nadal upierasz sie przy swoim, to wyjdziesz na malo wiarygodna blogerke, bez wzgledu na to ile komentarzy skasujesz.

Like most of us, I use a lot of skincare products. I slather chemical compounds on my face, and other body parts, several times a day. All in the name of health and beauty.

Whether a cosmetic is natural, organic, or straight from the lab, does not matter to me.
What matters to me is whether its price tag reflects the contents.
Sadly, more often than not, this is not the case. We end up paying for pretty packaging and a luxury-evoking legacy name (yes, Global Shiseido, I'm looking at you!)
I don't mind bare bones ingredients, as long as the price of the product is also bare bones. By the same token, I'm willing to pay, even pay a lot, for ingredients and formulas that will never be found in cheap drugstore cosmetics. Whether those ingredients and formulas are proven to work, that's a whole different story. But hey, it doesn't hurt to try, right? Right.

Jak wiekszosc z nas, uzywam wielu kosmetykow. Klade na twarz i na cialo chemiczne czasteczki kilka razy dziennie. Wszystko dla zdrowia i urody.

Czy kosmetyk jest naturalny, organiczny, czy laboratoryjny, nie ma dla mnie najmniejszego znaczenia.
Co ma znaczenie to fakt, czy cena kosmetyku odzwierciedla jego sklad.
Niestety, bardzo czesto, nie. Placimy za piekne opakowania i mit markowej nazwy przywolujacej na mysl luksus (tak, globalne Shiseido, do ciebie pije).
Nie mam nic przeciwko ubogim skladom w kosmetykach, o ile ich cena tez jest dla ubogich.
I tak samo, jestem w stanie zaplacic duzo za skladniki i formuly, ktorych nie znajde w osiedlowej drogerii. Czy te skladniki i formuly dzialaja, to juz zupelnie inna bajka i temat na inny wpis. Ale przeciez nie szkodzi sprobowac, nieprawdaz?


Personally, I don't believe that the fountain of youth and smooth skin will come to us purely from nature. If it existed in nature, we'd have it by now, I'm pretty sure. Nature can offer us a lot of help, but the key to stopping cell death will be developed in a cutting edge research lab using bioengineering and genetic science.
What it means to me is that I am equally willing to try cosmetics full of natural plant extracts, as well as exclusively lab born and bred chemical wonders.
I don't discriminate. Or maybe I discriminate equally. What an ox and moron.
I believe in better living through chemistry. And the more varied products I try, the better I know my skin.

Usually I try to stay away from deep and pseudo-scienfitic ingredient analyses, because simply, I'm not a scientist. But I know what cosDNA is for and, usually, before I start spewing nonsense, I try to check what the system has to say. It's there for a reason, you know. Because maybe it's not the parabens that are breaking you out (especially if there aren't any in a product you are talking about), but other acne triggers and skin irritants.

Osobiscie nie wierze, ze zrodlo wiecznej mlodosci i gladkiej skory trafi do nas z natury. Gdyby istnialo w naturze, juz bysmy byli na jego tropie. Natura ma wiele co zaoferowania i wspomaga nasze wysilki ku wiecznie gladkiej cerze, ale klucz do zatrzymania zmian starzenia na poziomie komorkowym zostanie odkryty w laboratorium naukowym, przy uzyciu najnowszych osiagniec w dziedzinie biotechnologii i inzynierii genetycznej.

Dla mnie znaczy to tyle, ze jestem tak samo sklonna uzywac kosmetykow pelnych naturalnych skladnikow i ekstraktow, jak i tych "pelnych chemii".
Nie dyskryminuje. A raczej - dyskryminuje wszystko na rownym poziomie.
Moje motto to "lepsze zycie dzieki chemii". I im wiecej roznych kosmetykow probuje, tym lepiej poznaje swoja cere.

Zazwyczaj staram sie trzymac z daleka od pseudo-naukowych analiz skladnikowych, bo po prostu nie jestem naukowcem w tej dziedzinie. Ale wiem czym jest cosDNA i zazwyczaj, zanim zaczne bredzic od rzeczy, sprawdzam co ten system ma do powiedzenia o skladzie danego kosmetyku. Bo to moze nie parabeny cie wysypuja (szczegolnie jesli produkt o ktorym mowisz ich nie ma!), a inne substancje oznaczone jako potencjalne przyczyny problemow skornych.


For what it's worth, according to cosDNA Etude House Any Cushion is relatively free off acne triggers and major irritants.
Laneige cushion has a couple of 4-point acne triggers (Ethylhexyl Palmitate, and Isopropyl Palmitate).

Wedlug cosDNA poduszka Etude House nie zawiera zadnych silnych wysypywaczy.
Poduszka Laneige ma dwa skladniki oznaczone jako silne (4 punkty) potencjalne przyczyny wypryskow - Ethylhexyl Palmitate, and Isopropyl Palmitate.

But surprise, surprise, so does Lancome Miracle Cushion - Isopropyl Myristate (which according to cosDNA is a major acne trigger) and Ethylhexyl Palmitate. 

Ale niespodzianka, rowniez Lancome Miracle Cushion - Isopropyl Myristate (wedlug cosDNA stoi wysoko w kategorii "wysypywaczy") i Ethylhexyl Pamitate.

Link to the Lancome Miracle Cushion cosDNA analysis - here.
Link do analizy na stronie cosDNA - w zdaniu powyzej.

And as for parabens... well...
Apart from first checking if a given product has any, it might be a good idea to actually find out what parabens are what they do. But that would take some effort. And who has time for that?
Nonsensical pseudo-science is so much easier, right?

Even if you are allergic to science, Of Faces And Fingers (Beauty with an analytical perspective) has a very good write-up on parabens, in English, using simple words that even the dumbest blond (like me!) should be able to grasp. Enjoy!

A w temacie parabenow... hmmm...
Oprocz sprawdzenia skladu, czy dany kosmetyk rzeczywiscie je zawiera, dobrze byloby dowiedziec sie czym te parabeny sa i jakie maja zadanie. Ale to wymagaloby wysilku. A kto ma czas i ochote na wysilek?
Pseudo-naukowe bzdury sa przeciez duzo latwiejsze.

Nawet jesli masz alergiczna reakcje na nauki scisle, ten blog - Of Faces And Fingers (Beauty with an analytical perspective) ma bardzo dobry, rzetelny i szczegolowy wpis na ten temat. Nawet najglupsza blondynka (taka jak ja!) powinna zrozumiec o co chodzi. Wpis jest po angielsku, niestety.

Attention please...


Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

Lancome Miracle Cushion


A side-by-side comparison with Lancome Blanc Expert Cushion Compact (sold in Japan) is here.
Porownanie z Lancome Blanc Expert Cushion Compact (wersja na rynek japonski) jest tutaj.

I edited this entry to add the ingredient analysis from cosDNA, because who loves you, baby? 
Ten wpis zostal uaktualniony analiza skladu wedlug cosDNA.


I like Lancome. A lot.
Their made in Japan products specifically for the Japanese market are superb. They are fully, truly Asian and hold their own next to any high(er) end Asian brand.
So last December, when I heard that Lancome was making forays into Korean-dominated cushion foundation land, I got very excited.

If you are new to cushion foundations, please click on the "Cushion Foundations" tab in the top menu. Cushion foundations have been around in Korea for a few years now. In the US, Laneige cushions are available at Target stores, and Amore Pacific at Sephora (the US only).
There are also American made cushion foundations out there, for example by Pur Minerals, or It Cosmetics, but I haven't tried them and can't tell you anything about them. Though the hilarious overuse of a photo editing makeup application on the It Cosmetics cushion page does not inspire much confidence.

Lubie Lancome. Nawet bardzo.
Ich kosmetyki robione w Japonii z mysla o japonskim rynku, sa swietne. Niestety z tego co sie orientuje, to wersje made in Japan, nie sa dostepne w Europie. A szkoda.
Wiec w grudniu, kiedy uslyszalam, ze Lancome ma wypuscic pierwszy "zachodni" podklad w poduszce, bardzo sie ucieszylam.

Jesli nigdy poprzednio nie slyszalas/les o podkladach w formie poduszki, kliknij na zakladke "Cushion Foundations" w gornym menu. Podklady w formie poduszki istnieja w Azji juz od kilku dobrych lat. Mozna je nabyc stacjonarnie w USA - Laneige w sklepach Target, a Amore Pacific w Sephorze.
Sa rowniez amerykanskie firmy, ktore maja poduszki w swoich ofertach, na przyklad Pur Minerals, czy It Cosmetics, ale nie mialam ich w reku i nie moge nic powiedziec na temat ich jakosci. Choc sposob w jaki zdjecie makijazu na stronie poduszki It Cosmetics zostalo "przeleciane" przez aplikacje makeupowa w smartphonie, nie napawa optymizmem.

I wanted to get my hands on this cushion. Badly. I got offered a PR sample, but the only available shade was 03, and as I'm not into the Oompa Loompa look, I took a pass.
Then I saw on social media here and there some girls selling their review samples and complaining that the color was much too dark.
I don't know what Lancome was thinking by offering 03 Beige Peche for review purposes. I was told that 03 Beige Peche was indeed the intended target shade for European customers. But judging from the reactions of the women who tried to sell their review cushions complaining that they were much too dark, that target was missed by a large margin. Does Lancome still believe that dark, tanned skin is in? Though maybe in Europe it indeed is. 
If you have naturally dark skin, then rejoice, Lancome has got you covered. As for the rest of us, oh well..., whatever. 

Chcialam dorwac ta podusie. Zaoferowano mi egzemplarz do recenzji, ale niestety byl on dostepny tylko w odcieniu 03. O duzo dla mnie za ciemny, wiec podziekowalam.
Na social media pojawily sie cichaczem glosy dziewczyn, ktore te poduszki do recenzji po kryjomu odsprzedawaly, bo dla nich rowniez byly za ciemne.
Nie wiem co Lancome mial na mysli wybierajac odcien 03 jako docelowy na Europe. Czy naprawde uwazaja, ze przecietna Europejka ma tak ciemna cere? No ale moze i ma. Z tego co widze, to opalenizna nadal kroluje na starym kontynencie.
Jesli masz naturalnie ciemniejsza karnacje, to dobra nowina dla ciebie - Lancome o ciemniejszych karnacjach pamietalo. Ale o bladziochach juz niestety nie.

This cushion is going to be released in Japan on February 20th, but thanks to my lovely I.P. in France, I received it this past weekend. Thank you so much!!! You are an angel!

So, let's get this show started.

In Europe Lancome Miracle Cushion retails for 45 euro. It's not cheap. Definitely Lancome's price range.
What we get for this price is 14 grams of product in a shiny compact, packaged in a shiny box. There is a leaflet in the box, but no refill. That you will have to purchase separately.
1st disappointment.

W Japonii ten podklad w poduszce zostanie wypuszczony 20-tego lutego, ale dzieki uprzejmosci wspanialej I.P. z Francji, otrzymalam ta poduszke w zeszly weekend. Bardzo Ci dziekuje! Jestes aniolem! :-)

No ale, do rzeczy...

W Europie Lancome Miracle Cushion ma cene 45 euro. Ile w Polsce nie wiem, nie chce mi sie sprawdzac na stronie Sephory. Nie jest to tania zabawa.
Za ta cene dostajemy 14 gramow produktu zapakowanego w srebrny kompakt zapakowany w srebrne pudelko. W pudelku jest ulotka informacyjna, ale wkladu wymiennego niet. To trzeba dokupic osobno.
Pierwsze rozczarowanie...

I wanted to compare this cushion to the flagship Amore Pacific cushion. Above you can see the boxes side by side.

Amore Pacific is often referred to as the Lancome of Korea. And as both brands consider themselves to be high(er) end, I thought it would be beneficial to see how they stack up side by side.

Amore Pacific Treatment Color Control Cushion will set you back about 60 dollars. But you do get a refill for that price, as well.

The first difference right off the bat is the SPF.

While most (well, nearly all) Korean cushions have SPF50 +/ PA+++, Lancome Miracle Cushion offers a very modest SPF 23 / PA++.

For 45 euro I'd expect more.
2nd disappointment.

Chcialam porownac Lancome Miracle Cushion do flagowej poduszki marki Amore Pacific. Na zdjeciu powyzej oba pudelka jedno przy drugim.
Amore Pacific jest czesto okreslany jako "koreanski Lancome". I skoro obie te marki uwazja sie za selektywne, to myslalam, ze warto zobaczyc jak wygladaja w porownaniu.

Amore Pacific Treatment Color Control Cushion to wydatek rzedu okolo 60 dolarow. Ale w tej cenie znajduje sie rowniez wymienny cartridge.

Pierwsza roznica, ktora od razu rzuca sie w oczy to filtr SPF.
Niemal wszystkie koreanskie poduszki oferuja SPF 50+/ PA+++. Lancome Miracle Cushion daje nam bardzo skromne SPF 23 / PA++.

Za 45 euro oczekiwalabym czegos wiecej.
Drugie rozczarowanie...


Apparently some reddit users assumed that I actually take the cushion SPF level seriously and consider it my sole source of sun protection.
Rest assured, no, I don't.
I'm well aware of the fact that SPF in BB creams, foundations and cushions is a vanity selling point. I think most people who live in Asia know that. It's common sense.
But if I am comparing two similar products, as is the case here, then the big difference in SPF is very obvious and very disappointing.  
Wyszlo na to, ze sporo czytelnikow z reddit mysli, ze ja biore ten SPF bardzo na powaznie i traktuje go jako pelnowartosciowa ochrone przed sloncem.
Na szczescie nie.
Doskonale zdaje sobie sprawe z tego, ze SPF w kremach BB, podkladach i poduszkach to tylko marketingowy chwyt. To logiczne i chyba kazdy, kto mieszka w Azji to rozumie.
Ale jesli porownuje dwa podobne produkty, to naturalnie taka ogromna roznica w SPF od razu rzuca sie w oczy.

My Miracle Cushion is marked as 01 Pure Porcelaine, and the coverage level is described as medium (2 dots out of 4).

Moja Miracle Cushion ma oznaczenie koloru jako 01 Pure Porcelaine i poziom krycia jest oznaczony jako sredni (dwie z czterech kropek).

On the back you have the usual promotional drivel in five different languages.
"Liquid cushion compact - Fresh dewy hydration", it says.
"Absolute weightlessness and glow - SPF23 / PA++", it says.

I don't want to debate the usage of "weightlessness" here, but trust me, Lancome's copywriters ain't no physicists, that's for sure.

Na odwrocie pudelka mamy zwyczajowy marketingowy belkot w pieciu roznych jezykach.

"Liquid cushion compact - Fresh dewy hydration", pisze.
"Absolute weightlessness and glow - SPF23 / PA++", chwali sie.

The ingredient list is printed on the side of the box:
Sklad na jednej ze stron pudelka:

Compared to Korean cushions, it's really bare bones here. This costs 45 euro?
3rd disappointment.

W porownaniu do koreanskich poduszek ten sklad jest bardzo ubogi. I to kosztowalo 45 euro?
Trzecie rozczarowanie.


The real kicker is on the other side of the box.

Many people, well, all the reviews I've read so far, consider this to be a western cushion (as opposed to a Korean cushion).
True, it comes from a French brand.
But in reality, it's actually a Korean product.
Don't believe me?

Take a look:

Ale najwieksza niespodzianka jest na drugiej stronie pudelka.

Wiekszosc ludzi mowiacych o tej poduszce i niemal kazda recenzja, jaka do tej pory czytalam, uwaza Lancome Miracle Cushion za kosmetyk "zachodni" (w przeciwienstwie do koreanskich).
Fakt, ma w nazwie znana francuska marke.
Ale w rzeczywistosci, jest to produkt koreanski.

Nie wierzysz?
Spojrz na druga strone pudelka:

Yep, Lancome's cushion is made in Korea.
It's manufactured by Cosmax, a company responsible for production of brands such as Etude House, Tony Moly, Too Cool for School, Clio, and many, many others.

Amore Pacific is NOT manufactured by Cosmax. At least the higher end products are not. The easiest way to see for yourself is to read the manufacturer info provided, among others, on KoreaDepart.
Does Cosmax manufacture high quality products? That all depends on your definition of high quality. 
For me, no, it doesn't. But everyone has different standards, and I'm sure there are exceptions to this rule.

Tak, Lancome Miracle Cushion jest robiona w Korei.
Produkowana jest przez firme Cosmax, ktora jest rowniez odpowiedzialna za formulacje i produkcje takich marek jak Etude House, Tony Moly, Too Cool for School, Clio, i wiele, wiele innych.

Amore Pacific wytwarza swoje kosmetyki (przynajmniej te z gorniejszej polki) we wlasnym zakresie. Cosmax nie produkuje kosmetykow dla koncernu Amore Pacific.

Czy Cosmax wytwarza kosmetyki wysokiej jakosci? To zalezy od naszej definicji "wysokiej jakosci". Jesli chodzi o mnie, to nie, nie uwazam, aby byly one wysokiej jakosci. Ale kazdy na inne standardy i inne oczekiwania odnosnie kosmetykow. I jestem pewna, ze w fabryce Cosmaxu znajduja sie tez chlubne wyjatki.


So, anyway, what we have here is a Lancome-branded Korean cushion made by a company that specializes in low-end cosmetics. We're talking drugstore stuff here. The Maybellines and Cover Girls of Korean makeup.

And for this Lancome charges 45 euro?
4th disappointment.

So much for my Amore Pacific comparison plan.

Oh well, moving on...

No wiec, mamy tutaj poduszke marki Lancome, wyprodukowana w Korei przez firme, ktora specjalizuje sie w niskopolkowych kosmetykach drogeryjnych. W koreanskich odpowiednikach Maybelline i Cover Girl i pojecia nie mam co tam jest dostepne w drogeriach w Polsce.

I niestety za to Lancome zyczy sobie 45 euro.
Czwarte rozczarowanie.

I tak prysnal moj pomysl porownania Lancome Miracle Cushion z Amore Pacific.

The compact, like the box is very shiny. I feel sorry for the sales staff that has to handle it on a daily basis. It took forever to wipe off all fingerprints of these shiny surfaces.

As you can see, it's a very generic looking compact. No bells and whistles here. No funky design. Amore Pacific it's not.
Definitely a cheap, assembly line product.

5th disappointment.

The compact felt vaguely familiar, so I went to the bathroom to take a closer look.
And voila!

Kompakt, tak jak i pudelko, jest bardzo srebrny i bardzo swiecacy. Szkoda mi pan w perfumeriach, ktore musza to brac do reki w rekawiczkach.
Wycieranie odciskow palcow, aby pudelko wygladalo prezentacyjnie do zjecia zajelo nam sporo czasu.

Jak widac kompakt jest bardzo prosty. Zadnych wymyslnych dizjanow. To bardzo generyczny kompakt. I wydawal mi sie dziwnie znajomy.

Poszlam poszukac w lazience. I znalazlam to:
Piate rozczarowanie.

Twins! Separated at birth.

A-True was very quick to deny the rumor that their products are developed or manufactured by Cosmax. See? This is what a company that wants to be seen as mid-range does when Cosmax is being mentioned.

The bottom side tells you more of the same. Yes, it's 01 Pure Porcelaine.
And yes, it was made in Korea.

Noz to przeciez blizniaki!
A-True bardzo szybko wyjasnilo mi, ze z firma Cosmax nie maja nic wspolnego. Taka reakcja marki, ktora chce sie uwazac za sredniopolkowa w strone wyzszej, potwierdza moje przypuszczenia dotyczace jakosci i daje wiele do myslenia.

Spod kompaktu ma znowu oznaczenie koloru jako 01 Pure Porcelaine.
I jak widac, znowu informacja, ze "made in Korea."

Ok, let's open it.

Czas aby go otworzyc.

Side by side with Amore Pacific, Lancome holds its own. It looks very handsome.

The applicator puff rests on the inner lid, all as it should be.

Obok Amore Pacific, Lancome Miracle Cushion wyglada bardzo do rzeczy.
Gabeczka do nakladania lezy na wewnetrznym wieczku.
Wszystko wyglada tak jak nalezy.

I'm actually quite pleased that they didn't skimp the money here and gave us a proper cushion foundation applicator. Good choice, Lancome! Because a good cushion puff equals good application equals good results where it matters most - on our faces.

Przyznam sie, ze bylam mile zaskoczona, ze Lancome nie poskapilo kasy na porzadna gabeczke do nakladania kosmetyku. Bo dobra gabeczka to polowa sukcesu, jesli chodzi o nakladanie poduszkowego podkladu.

But yet again, I have this strange feeling that I've seen this compact somewhere before.

Let me check.
Be right back!

Ale znowu mialam to odczucie, ze ten kompakt juz gdzies widzialam.

Zaraz sprawdze i zaraz wracam!

Twins! (or is it triplets now?) Separated at birth!

Yes, the 45 euro priced Lancome Miracle Cushion is a twin sister of Banila Co "it Radiant" CC Cushion SPF 35 / PA++. Surprise, surprise, also manufactured by Cosmax.

Wow, this gift just keeps on giving...

I znowu blizniaki. A moze juz trojaczki?

Tak, nasza Lancome Miracle Cushion, kosztujaca 45 euro to blizniaczka podusi Banila Co "it Radiant" CC Cushion SPF 35/ PA++. I szok na sali, rowniez robionej przez Cosmax.

No cuda przyrody po prostu.

Please excuse the Banila puff, it's been used, that's why it's a bit darker now.

As you can notice above, when the inner lid is lifted you can see this:

Gabeczki do nakladania z drugiej strony. Ta z Banila Co jest nieco ciemniejsza, bo byla uzywana.
Na zdjeciu powyzej mozna zauwazyc naklejke chroniaca powierzchnie poduszki.

Very nice. I like it when the surface of the cushion is protected by a seal. 

You peel off the seal and...

Bardzo mnie to cieszy, kiedy firmy podchodza do tego na powaznie i zaklejaja powierzchnie poduszki.
Kiedy zerwiemy naklejke, mamy to:

WTF is that???

Did somebody grab if from the kitchen sink and shoved it inside this cushion? 
This horrible and nasty cushion costs 45 euro?

What is this thing?

Let me show you what a high-end cushion looks like:

Co to w ogole jest?
Szok jakis!
Ktos wepchnal kuchenna gabke do szorowania garow do poduszki? Bo tak to wyglada.
To ohydztwo kosztuje 45 euro?
Co to ma byc?

Tak nie powinna wygladac poduszka za 45 euro.
Dla tych, ktorzy nie zdaja sobie z tego sprawy, tutaj zdjecie jak powinna wygladac gabka w "rasowym", markowym, gorno-polkowym podkladzie poduszkowym.

Here you have Lancome Miracle Cushion next to Amore Pacific cushion.

See the difference?
Ok, let's try it again.

Na zdjeciu powyzej Lancome Miracle Cushion obok Amore Pacific CC Cushion.

Widac roznice?
No to drugie podejscie tutaj.

Here you have Lancome Miracle Cushion next to Hanyul Luminant Cushion.

I understand that if this is someone's very first cushion and they have no idea how a high(er) end cushion looks like, they will be overjoyed and feel pretty smug and stylish. 

But just take a look at it again. This stuff is just nasty.

Ok, let's try it next to a more drugstore quality cushion:

Powyzej Lancome Miracle Cushion obok Hanyul Luminant Cushion.

Zdaje sobie sprawe z tego, ze jesli Lancome to czyjas pierwsza poduszka, to bedzie oczarowany i zaskoczony. Jesli ktos nigdy nie mial w reku koreanskiej poduszki, to bedzie Lancomem zachwycony.

Ale dla tych, co koreanskie poduszki znaja, Lancome Miracle Cushion to jakas abominacja.

No ale sprobujmy raz ostatni. Tutaj obok drogeryjnej Lioele:

And here you have Lancome Miracle Cushion next to Lioele Crystal Beam cushion.
For 45 euro you'd think they could afford something that didn't look like a chunk of my grandma's bath sponge.

This is disappointment number what? Sorry, I lost count.

I decided to close the cushion compact and read the enclosed leaflet instead. And what do I see?

Wyglada rownie ohydnie obok Lioele Crystal Beam cushion.
Za 45 euro mogliby sie postarac o gabke, ktora wyglada lepiej niz cos rodem z wanny, lub zlewozmywaku.

Ktore to rozczarowanie juz nie wiem, bo przestalam liczyc.

Zamknelam ta poduszke i postanowilam poczytac sobie ulotke informacyjna.
I co ja tam pacze????

Hmmm... "Air cushion"? Really Lancome? Really?
I'm pretty sure that describing your own product using another company's trademarked product name breaks all sorts of intellectual property laws. No wonder Amore Pacific is furious.
And no wonder I haven't seen any promotional materials or ads for Lancome Miracle Cushion in Asia yet. And it's supposed to hit the stores here next month. 

Ok, let's swatch this baby, so I can cry myself to sleep.

"Air cushion"? Naprawde? Lancome, naprawde?
Przeciez "Air Cushion" to nazwa, chroniona prawami autorskimi, poduszek Iope (ze stajni Amore Pacific). I jestem pewna, ze uzywanie innej firmy trademarkowej frazy do opisania wlasnego produktu lamie roznego rodzaju prawa wlasnosci intelektualnych.

Teraz czas na myzniecia i moge sobie plakac do snu.

Unedited photos taken in natural light.
Bez filtrow w swietle naturalnym.

01 Pure Porcelaine (czysta porcelana) is pretty dark. And very, very yellow. It makes MAC NC15 look positively pink by comparison.

01 Pure Porcelaine jest dosyc ciemny. I bardzo bardzo zolty. Obok MACa NC15 Lancome'owa czysta porcelana wyglada niesamowicie malo czysto.

I'd chance to say that it's as dark as N23 Iope Air Cushion XP. 

The coverage is not medium. It's minimal. Very, very minimal. Similar to that of Lioele Crystal Beam cushion. 
Lancome calls it "foundation". It's not. It's a cc cushion, plain and simple. That's all it does. It offers slight color correction and not much else. 
Despite being very liquid (more so than any of my Korean cushions), it dried very fast. 
On my very dry skin, the much hyped "dewy" effect was minimal and very short lived. 
When used without a primer, the "foundation" set into my wrinkles and accentuated dry lines.

The cooling effect was there, but not as pronounced as with Iope Air Cushion.

I suppose I can get a bit more use out of it during summer when it's hot and humid here and when minimal coverage is all I need.
But how am I going to deal with the yellow undertone? No idea.

Jesli mialabym zgadywac, to jest on chyba tak ciemny, a moze nawet ciemniejszy niz Iope Air Cushion XP w odcieniu N23.

Krycie nie jest srednie. Jest minimalne. Bardzo podobne do tego od Lioele Crystal Beam.
Lancome nazywa to "podkladem". Lecz to zdecydowanie nie jest podklad. To poduszka CC. Jedyne co robi to wyrownuje koloryt cery.

Pomimo bycia bardzo rzadka i bardzo plynna (bardziej niz ktorakolwiek z moich poduszek koreanskich), wysychala na skorze bardzo szybko. Na mojej suchej cerze obiecywany efekt "dewy" byl bardzo krotkotrwaly.
Kiedy uzylam tej poduszki bez uprzedniej bazy lub primera, to brzydko osadzila mi sie ona w zmarszczkach i podkreslala je.
Efekt chlodzacy byl, ale nie az taki jak przy Iope Air Cushion.

Mam nadzieje, ze bede mogla tej poduszki pouzywac troche latem, kiedy jest tu goraco i wilgotno.
Tylko co ja mam zrobic z ta zoltoscia?

Final thoughts?

If you really, truly, absolutely must have this cushion, then by all means, go ahead and buy it. Just don't say later that you haven't been warned.

But if you don't have 45 euro to spend on a dud, then hop over to any reputable online Korean store and get yourself a proper cushion.

You're welcome!


Jesli brak tej poduszki spedza ci sen z powiek, to oczywiscie, kup ja. Tylko nie mow potem, ze nikt cie nie ostrzegl.
Ale jesli nie masz 45 euro do wyrzucenia, to duzo lepszym rozwiazaniem jest kupienie poduszki z prawdziwego zdarzenia w koreanskim sklepie internetowym.

Nie ma za co!


PS. (Updated on January 31, 2015)

Because many people care about ingredients, and because there are bloggers out there saying how much better ingredient-wise this Lancome Miracle Cushion is compared to Korean cushion products, I entered the ingredient list into cosDNA.

Here's the analysis:
(You're welcome!)

Poniewaz wiele osob przyklada duza wage do skladow kosmetykow, i poniewaz pojawily sie glosy na blogach, ze poduszka Lancome jest skladowo duzo lepsza niz koreanskie produkty, dodalam sklad do cosDNA do przeanalizowania.

Tutaj rezultaty:
(Nie ma za co!)

If you click on the image, it will take you directly to the page on cosDNA.

And here are a couple of photos from a Sephora shop in France (thank you, I.P!!!) to show you how they display Lancome's "revolutionary" makeup product.

Jesli klikniesz na zdjecie analizy skladu, to wejdziesz bezposrednio na strone cosDNA.

A tutaj mamy zdjecia z Sephory w pewnym francuskim miescie (dziekuje Ci slicznie, I.P!), aby zobaczyc jak Sephora wystawila na sprzedaz "rewolucyjny" podklad w poduszce Lancome'u.

The compact is attached to the display. Only the refills are available as testers.

Kompakt jest przyklejony do wystawy, a do macania sa tylko refille.

To answer some readers questions as to what I am going to do with my Lancome Miracle Cushion - I will continue to use it for reference purposes when reviewing Korean cushion products.

Thank you for reading!

Now, onto bigger, better, brighter things... 

Niektorzy czytelnicy przyslali maile z zapytaniem co teraz zrobie z moja Lancome Miracle Cushion. Odpowiedz - bede jej uzywac w celach porownawczych, kiedy opisuje koreanskie poduszki.

Dziekuje za uwage!

Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

My New Dermatologist and Some Updates

Early this January, I decided to visit a new dermatologist. I had previous experiences with a dermatologist. Although I saw a lot of improvements after those visits, I realized how costly it could get for maintenance. Simply put, my original dermatologist caters to well-off patients. Each tiny bottle of skin care product costs 300-400 pesos. His cleaning sessions alone costs 800. I just didn't feel I was getting a great value for my money.

This time, I found a new dermatologist who doesn't demand much from my wallet. He doesn't require me to use his clinic's products. It's fine for him that I use my store-bought products as long as they work well on my skin. The only products I got from his clinic are skin medications that require prescriptions, namely: retinoic acid and clindamycin.

Meanwhile, I had promised in my earlier post (Acne, Air Pollution, Poor Diet, and Suggested Solutions) to give an update about the results of my new skin-friendly lifestyle. I would be lying if I said I strictly stuck to my do's and don'ts list. Taking care of the skin can indeed take a lot of effort! Despite not being strict down to the last letter of the list, I managed to see results on my skin health.

Shortly after starting my new regimen, I went to Tokyo for a vacation. The cool and dry weather there had immediate results on my skin. My pimples dried up and my Alba Botanica sunscreen provided ample protection against the weather and the sun. My skin loved the Tokyo environment and during my week-long stay there, I noticed my skin to be slowly clearing up.

It's quite funny that it was after that period that I decided to see a dermatologist. Well, I wanted to maintain a clear skin, especially since it's already a new year. Here's a rundown on his treatment:

He gave me a cleaning, that is, he manually pricked my pimples. He told me that I inherited my oily skin from my dad, and so it is expected that my acne will flare up again. I can visit him once a month for a cleaning session, to maintain my skin. He told me that my problems are mostly the whiteheads and blackheads. He told me I could keep using my facial wash, and gave me a toner with clindamycin, which I should use twice daily. He also gave me a retinoic acid cream which I should apply every night after cleansing and toning.

Do you visit a dermatologist too? How was the treatment?

Senin, 19 Januari 2015

Lioele Crystal Beam Cushion Pact

Every once in a while I get an email from some internet shop here and there asking the same thing. "We can send you a cushion, please write about it on your cushion blog."
(Ha! I had no clue that people see it as a "cushion blog", I'm very flattered.)

The two times when I said yes, they sent me a cushion, and... I couldn't review it, because there was nothing good I could say about it. In both cases I ended up sending the cushions back to where they came from.

So imagine my surprise when a few weeks ago Jolse (a really nice internet shop with a great selection and fabulous customer service) suggested that I could review a cushion, but... that I had to pick it out myself.

Od czasu do czasu dostaje maile od sklepow internetowych z oferta "wyslemy ci poduszke, opisz ja na swoim blogu poduszkowym".
(Nie wiedzialam, ze ludzie uwazaja ten blog za "poduszkowy", ale jest mi bardzo milo.)

Dwa razy kiedy sie zgodzilam, dostalam poduszke, i... nie moglam jej zrecenzowac, bo po prostu nie bylo nic dobrego, co moglabym o niej powiedziec. W obu przypadkach odeslalam je tam, skad przyszly.

Wiec latwo sobie wyobrazic moje zaskoczenie, kiedy Jolse (bardzo mily sklep internetowy z duzym wyborem i fantastyczna obsluga klienta) zasugerowal, ze moglabym zrecenzowac poduszke, ale... sama musialabym ja sobie wybrac.

Hot damn, what was I supposed to do now?
Anybody who's ever witnessed how I shop for makeup and skincare, knows that asking me to pick out one particular thing is nearly damn impossible. The deciding and picking out process can take hours, days, weeks... in extreme cases, months even.

This time to speed things up a bit, my dear friend (though autocorrect insists on changing it to "fiend", still accurate, hahaha) Miss I. took charge and asked me "what brand would you never buy on your own?"

No i masz babo problem...
Kazdy, kto kiedykolwiek byl swiadkiem mojego wybierania czegokolwiek kosmetycznego, wie, ze to zadanie zupelnie mnie przerasta. Takie wybieranie moze trwac godziny, lub dnie, lub tygodnie. A w ekstremalnych warunkach, nawet miesiace.

Na szczescie moje kochana przyjaciolka, Panna I. wziela sprawe w swoje rece. Zapytala sie mnie:
"Jakiej marki nie kupilabys sama z siebie?"

"Lioele" was my answer.

Lo and behold, Lioele it was.

And that's how it came to be that now I present to you Lioele Crystal Beam Cushion Pact SPF 50+ PA+++.

And oddly enough, it wasn't a bad choice, as it turned out. But Miss I. always had a bit of a magic touch.

Lioele is a brand that claims to be inspired by the story of Cinderella. It's intended customer group is about 20 (or 20-something even) years younger than I am.

"Lioele" odpowiedzialam.

I tak to sie stalo, ze teraz prezentuje tutaj Lioele Crystal Beam Cushion Pact SPF 50+ PA+++.
I jak dziwnie wyszlo, nie byla to zla decyzja. Ale Panna I. zawsze miala dobre zdolnosci wybiorcze (w przeciwienstwie do mnie).

Lioele to marka, ktora twierdzi, ze inspiruje sie historia Kopciuszka. Skierowana jest do kobiet (dziewczat?) mlodszych ode mnie o jakies 20 pare lat.


But let's begin at the beginning.
Ale zacznijmy od samego poczatku.

This product was provided to me by Jolse for review purposes. However the opinions presented in this review are mine, and mine only.
Kosmetyk ten otrzymalam od Jolse do zrecenzowania. Opinie wyrazone w tej recenzji sa moje i tylko moje.


Now, with that out of the way, let's get crystal beaming.

OK, I hate this stupid name. Lioele Crystal Beam Cushion Pact.
The whole Crystal Beam series is a huge misunderstanding, namewise. Who on earth came up with this idiotic idea? Crystal Beam? What is it? Sailor Moon meets Star Trek? Then at least they could have tried a bit harder and packaged it accordingly. But no... That was too much effort, it seems.

No to teraz czas na krysztalowe promienie.

Nie cierpie tej durnej nazwy. Lioele Crystal Beam Cushion Pact.
Cala ta seria Crystal Beam to jakies nieporozumienie, jesli chodzi o nazwe. Kto, naboga, wpadl na ten pomysl? Crystal Beam? Co to ma byc? Skrzyzowanie Czarodziejki z Ksiezyca ze Star Trekiem? Jesli tak, to wtedy przynajmniej mogliby sie postarac i lepiej to zapakowac. Tak bardziej krysztalowo i promieniscie. Ale nie... to juz bylby za duzy wysilek.

And so the magical Crystal Beam is hidden in a slightly tacky cushion case. It's a standard issue cushion case, identical to A-True, or Banila Co, or VDL, or many other brands using the same no frills design. Only the colors and logos are different.

The shade I chose was the lighter one of the two available, No 21 Cool Beige. The other one is No 23 Warm Beige.

So... Beam me up, Lioele!

(hmmm... this is the second cushion review with a Star Trek reference... let's see if I can keep it up.)

A jak jest, tak jest i magiczna Crystal Beam poduszka schowana jest w bardzo przecietny kompakt. Standardowy kompakt, masowo produkowany i uzywany przez, miedzy innymi A-True, Banila Co i VDL, oraz wiele innych firm. Tylko kolory i logo firm sie zmieniaja.

Odcien, ktory wybralam, to jasniejszy z dwoch dostepnych, No 21 Cool Beige (chlodny bez). Jest jeszcze No 23 Warm Beige (cieply bez).

Wiec, teraz do rzeczy, beam me up, Lioele! (to juz druga poduszkowa recenzja ze Star Trekowa referencja.)

According to the Engrish description on the back of the box, this cushion does just about everything you can think of:

Wedlug engrishowych opisow na tyle pudelka, poduszka ta ma robic niemal wszystko:

Multi-function, it says.
But who can tell me what "Winkle Care" is?
And it expresses my skin shiny. Oh my!
Jewel extracts?
I'm afraid to ask.

The full ingredient list was printed on the inside of the box. The inside! Cheapskates. There was no leaflet included and I had to cut the box open to take a look.

Wielofunkcyjna, pisze.
Ale kto wie co to "Winkle Care"?
Ponoc ta poduszka rowniez "expresses my skin shiny".
I ekstrakty z klejnotow?
Az sie boje sprawdzic.

Cala lista skladnikow wydrukowana jest wewnatrz pudelka. Wewnatrz! Dusigrosze! Nie stac ich bylo na ulotke informacyjna? Musialam rozciac kartonik, zeby zobaczyc co tam i co to.


Lioele Crystal Beam Cushion Pact SPF50+/ PA+++ ingredient list:

Yep. There are jewel extracts alright. We have amber, amethyst, coral, nephrite, pearl, and ruby. Sorry, no diamonds for this girl.
Oddly enough, all of these are higher on the list than, for example, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice Powder.

The cushion claims to offer "UV Protection", but anyone who believes that the minuscule amount of foundation applied to the face can shield us from the sun deserves to get sunburn. And wrinkles.
Please, don't fall for this marketing ploy and always use a generous dose of proper sunblock.

The inside of the box also very helpfully reminds us that "manufacturing date is printed on the container".

Yep. Sa ekstrakty z klejnotow. Mamy bursztyn, ametyst, koral, nefryt, perly i rubiny. Tylko diamentow brakuje.
I co dziwniejsze, sa one na liscie skladnikow wyzej niz, na przyklad, sproszkowany wyciag z lisci aloesu.

Podusia ta twierdzi, ze oferuje "ochrone UV", ale ktokolwiek bierze to na serio, ze taka znikoma ilosc produktu, ktora nakladamy na twarz, bedzie nas chronila przed sloncem, zasluguje na spalona skore. I na zmarchy.
Blagam was, nie dajcie sie nabrac na ten marketingowy gimmick i zawsze uzywajcie odpowiedniej ilosci odpowiedniego filtra.

Wewnatrz pudelka mamy rowniez informacje, ze data produkcji znajduje sie na kompakcie.

Confirmed. It's there.
There is no refill included.

Now let's look inside the compact.

Tak jest. Znajduje sie. Sprawdzilam.
Poduszka przychodzi bez dodatkowego wymiennika.

Teraz spojrzmy na kompakt.

Everything is as it should be. There's an applicator sponge and an inner lid to protect the cushion's surface.
I know that some reviews complained that the inner lid was rather tight and hard to open, but in my case, everything worked fine.

The applicator sponge is white. Or rather, is white for a few precious moments before you start using it.

Wszystko wyglada normalnie. Jest gabeczka do nakladania i wewnetrzna przykrywka chroniaca powierzchnie poduszki przed wysychaniem. W niektorych recenzjach byly uwagi, ze wewnetrzna przykrywka jest bardzo ciasno dopasowana i niesamowicie trudna do otwarcia. Ja tego nie doswiadczylam.

Gabeczka do nakladania jest biala. To znaczy sie, jest biala przez ta bardzo krotka chwile, zanim nie upackasz jej przy pierwszym uzyciu.

The quality of the applicator is OK. But just OK. I much prefer the sponges in Amore Pacific cushions.

When you lift the inner lid, you see that there's the obligatory sticker on the surface of the cushion.

Jakosc gabeczki do nakladania jest tylko OK. Wole gabeczki w poduszkach z rodziny Amore Pacific.
Pod wewnetrzna przykrywka jest naklejka chroniaca sama poduszke.

The mirror looks a bit funny, but that's because it's covered by a protective plastic film. I didn't remove it, because, well... I don't really use, or need, this tiny compact mirror.

You peel off the sticker and voila:

Lusterko wyglada troche tepo, a to dlatego, ze ma nalepiona warstwe przezroczystej, ochronnej folii, ktorej ja nie zerwalam.

Po usunieciu nalepki z podusi mamy to:

The cushion is not saturated with foundation. You have to do it yourself - press energetically a couple of times to transfer the liquid contained below the sponge into the sponge. And now, that you've messed up the clean surface, it's also a sign that your cushion has been used.

The foundation has no discernible smell. That fact made me extremely happy, because if I wanted to apply cheap perfume to my face, I could do that all by myself, thank you very much (can you hear that, Iope?).

Poduszka nie jest nasaczona podkladem. To trzeba zrobic samemu przy pierwszym uzyciu - nacisnac energicznie kilka razy na gabke. Wtedy produkt znajdujacy sie pod gabka moze ja w koncu nasaczyc. Teraz powierzchnia poduszki jest juz upackana i gotowa do uzycia. I mamy dowod na to, ze byla uzywana.

Kosmetyk ten nie ma wyczuwalnego zapachu. I chwala mu za to, bo jesli mialabym ochote na nakladanie tanich prefumow na twarz, to w zupelnosci jestem w stanie zrobic to sobie sama (slyszysz to, Iope?).


Now, for the part that everyone has been waiting for:

A teraz to, na co wszyscy czekali:

Unedited photo, no filters applied, natural light.
Zdjecie bez photoshopa, bez filtrow, w dziennym swietle.

It seems quite yellow next to MAC NC15. It's also a lot more liquidy. Runny even.
It's dewy without being wet or overly shiny (so much for the crystal beam!).

It feels pleasantly moist, cool, and non-sticky.

I was reluctant to try it on my face, because look, the color seemed so not me. But I did. For review purposes. And since I already dirtied up the cushion surface, I had no choice. If I wanted to trade with someone, nobody would want it now.
So I took a deep breath and applied this yellowish substance to my face.
And was pleasantly surprised. Cool Beige lived up to its moniker. It was cool enough to blend nicely without turning me into an Oompa Loompa.

Obok MAC NC15 Lioele wydaje sie byc bardzo zolta. Jest tez bardzo plynna. Prawie za bardzo plynna.
Daje efekt "dewy" bez bycia mokra czy swiecaca (i tyle po krysztalowych promieniach!)

Daje przyjemne uczucie nawilzenia, chlodzi i nie lepi sie.
Balam sie wyprobowac ja na mojej twarzy, bo ten kolor! Ale dla recenzji, raz kozie smierc. I skoro juz upackalam powierzchnie poduszki, to nawet nie bylabym w stanie jej nikomu oddac.
Wiec pelna obaw, nalozylam ten zoltawy plyn na twarz.

I mila niespodzianka. Chlodny bez byl rzeczywiscie chlodny. Zniwelowal zaczerwienienia na twarzy i nie dal mi efektu taniego samoopalacza.


Here you have a shot of it applied on a mole on my forearm, taken in artificial light. Artificial light seems to bring out its "crystal" qualities a bit more.

Tutaj przyklad na pieprzyku na przedramieniu, w sztucznym swietle. W sztucznym swietle wyglada ciut bardziej blyszczaco.

Now, here's the important part. Read carefully, so you won't be disappointed later:

  • The coverage is minimal. 
  • It's clearly a CC cushion, I'd say. 
  • It will correct your skin tone, it will even out the redness (or the pinkishness).
  • It will make your skin feel moist and give it a nice, healthy, dewy glow. 

  • But it won't "cover" any serious problems.

There are internet shops (one even in Poland, LOL) that sell it as "foundation". No, it's not foundation. It's a color correcting cushion with very light coverage.

I tutaj najwazniejsza czesc recenzji. Prosze czytac uwaznie, zeby potem nie bylo rozczarowan:

  • Krycie jest minimalne.
  • To jest zdecydowanie bardziej CC poduszka niz podklad.
  • Wyrowna koloryt skory, zniweluje zaczerwienienia, czy rozowe plamy.
  • Nawilzy i da cerze zdrowy blask.

  • Ale nie zakryje powaznych problemow.

Sa sklepy internetowe (jeden nawet w Polsce!), ktore sprzedaja to jako "podklad". Nie, to nie jest "podklad".
To poduszka wyrownujaca kolor cery z bardzo lekkim kryciem.


I used it without a primer. It worked well with just my sunblock and stayed on my face for most of the day. Some days I did set it with a touch of loose powder. And some days I didn't. During my Taiwan trip this was my only face "makeup" item.
My skin absorbed the moisture from the liquid very quickly and all I was left with was nice, even complexion.

It didn't break me out. It didn't make me look ridiculous. Quite the opposite, in fact. It made me look fresh and clean and awake. But not made up.

For a budget cushion, I am very pleasantly surprised.

Uzywalam jej bez primera. Wspolpracowala bezproblemowo z moim filtrem UV i trzymala sie na twarzy przez caly dzien roboczy. W niektore dni ja przypudrowywalam. W niektore dni nie. Podczas wycieczki do Tajwanu to byl moj jedyny kosmetyk "kryjacy" na twarz.
Moja skora ladnie spijala nawilzenie i to co zostalo, to przyjemnie wyrownana cera.

Nie zapchalo mnie. Nie wygladalo zbyt zolto. Wrecz przeciwnie, wygladalo czysto i zdrowo i niepodkladowo.

Jak na budzetowa poduszke, to jestem mile zaskoczona.

Lioele Crystal Beam Cushion Pact is worth trying, if you have dry or normal skin and don't need full, heavy cover.
It's a good, cheap entry cushion.
I keep it in my purse for work use.

At Jolse this cushion costs US$21.98 with free shipping and it's similarly priced at other internet retailers (with the exception of that certain Polish store, which shall remain nameless, where they want over 100 zlotych for it, plus extra shipping.)

Lioele Crystal Beam Cushion Pact jest warty sprobowania, jesli masz sucha lub normalna cere, i nie potrzebujesz ciezkiej szpachli.
To dobra, w miare tania poduszka dla poczatkujacych.
Ja trzymam ja w torebce do uzywania w pracy.

Jolse ta poduszka kosztuje US$21.98 z darmowa wysylka. Mozna ja znalezc w podobnych cenach gdzie indziej. Z wyjatkiem tego polskiego sklepu internetowego, ktorego nie bede tu nazywac, gdzie za ta poduszke zycza sobie ponad 100 zlotych, plus wysylka. Az sie boje zapytac, kto naboga, robi tam zakupy.