Buat yang pengen coba dulu, daripada beli ratusan ribu, takut ga cocok, kini aku jual meizitang ketengan.Dalam 1 pak meizitang ada 3 strip, dalam 1 strip berisi 12 gel capsule yang dapat dipakai selama 12 hari..nah, yang aku jual itu per 1 strip isi 12 gel capsule.
Meizitang Botanical Slimming Capsule salah satu produk terbaik untuk menurunkan berat badan yang berlebihan.
salah satu suplemen diet yang terbuat dari herbal yang akan mengkontrol napsu makan, jadi kalian bisa menurunkan berat badan dengan aman & efektif. dapat dirasakan efeknya sejak pertama kali minum!!
Kelebihan dari soft gel :
1. bentuknya yang unik seperti minyak ikan, BUKAN CAPSULE
2. sangat aman dikonsumsi karena 100% dari herbal
3. mengandung berbagai macam tumbuhan yang bisa buat jadi awet muda dan tidak membuat kulit kusam.
4. sangat cocok dikonsumsi BAGI YANG MAU DIET CEPAT & SEHAT
nice slimming grass, jobstears, tarragon, psyllium shell, hoof bamboo shoot, lotus, etc.
Petunjuk pemakaian :
1. minum hanya 1 hari 1 pil..minum SAAT perut dalam keadaan kosong alias sebelum makan pagi DENGAN AIR HANGAT.
2. hanya boleh 1 hari 1 pil..tidak boleh lebih.
3. wanita hamil,penyakit hati,dan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan fungsi dlm tubuh disarankan tidak meminum obat ini.
4. jaga ditempat yang bersih dan kering.
5. BANYAK MAKANAN YANG BERSERAT..dan hindari meizitang apabila sedang mengkonsumsi obat lain.
efek dari soft gel :
- akan timbul rasa haus yang berlebihan karena pembuangan lemak lewat air seni (buang air kecil).
- napsu makan ditekan sehingga kita tidak mau ngemil & makan banyak2.
- selebihnya tidak menganggu tidur atau aktifitas apapun.
TANPA EFEK SAMPING : buang air besar, keringetan, susah tidur , dll.
masing-masing keberhasilan menurunkan berat tubuh berbeda-beda, tergantung dari metabolisme tubuh.
Minggu, 09 Desember 2012
Jumat, 07 Desember 2012
White Light Pemutih Gigi IDR 38.000
WhiteLight merupakan produk yang sangat ampuh untuk mengembalikan warna putih alami gigi Anda. Gigi kuning karena merokok, gigi kuning karena bawaan, dan lain sebagainya, dapat kembali putih bersih dengan WhiteLight.
Pemutih gigi revolusioner dengan teknologi Blue Light
- Efektif memutihkan gigi secara cepat dan aman
- Disarankan oleh dokter gigi diseluruh dunia
- US patent brand
- Best seller di Europe
1 Paket terdiri dari:
- 2 GeL Pemutih
- LED Light
- Baterai Lithium 2 buah
- Buku Petunjuk
- Wadah
Cara Pemakaian
- Campurkan kedua gel untuk hasil maksimal.
- Oleskan pada mika LED Light bagian atas dan bawah.
- Letakkan di depan gigi (posisi tombol Light di atas)
- Tunggu 10-15 menit.
- Gunakan sehabis sikat gigi.
- Setelah penyinaran, bersihkan gigi.
Petunjuk cara membersihkan alat ada di dalam kemasan
Pemutih gigi revolusioner dengan teknologi Blue Light
- Efektif memutihkan gigi secara cepat dan aman
- Disarankan oleh dokter gigi diseluruh dunia
- US patent brand
- Best seller di Europe
1 Paket terdiri dari:
- 2 GeL Pemutih
- LED Light
- Baterai Lithium 2 buah
- Buku Petunjuk
- Wadah
Cara Pemakaian
- Campurkan kedua gel untuk hasil maksimal.
- Oleskan pada mika LED Light bagian atas dan bawah.
- Letakkan di depan gigi (posisi tombol Light di atas)
- Tunggu 10-15 menit.
- Gunakan sehabis sikat gigi.
- Setelah penyinaran, bersihkan gigi.
Petunjuk cara membersihkan alat ada di dalam kemasan
Kamis, 22 November 2012
Sunscreen: Is it Safe?
Sunscreens are one of the protective measures you use against UV radiation. Having enough sun protection is a good way to slow down aging process as the sun's rays are one of the culprits why people get wrinkles and age spots. In fact, it is the best anti-aging product you could use! In addition, sunscreens contain UV filters to protect your from the harmful UV rays that increases your risks of skin cancer. However, a bottle of sunscreen might not be as helpful as it promises.
The Environmental Working Group, a non-profit organization that studies research information on consumer safety, raises its alarms on sunscreen use. The entity says that most sunscreens contain harmful chemicals. Some of them might even increase skin cancer.
There is no need to panic, dear readers. You just need to be aware of what your sunscreen bottle contains. Always read the labels! Here's a guide on how to understand sunscreen labels.
As for me, I will still keep using my sunscreen. But of course, I will stay away from the harmful ingredients. As long as you know how to choose your sunscreen, and how to apply it properly, then you can be protected. While you use sunscreen, don't forget that it is just one line of defense against UV radiation. There are several additional ways for you to be protected.
Kamis, 15 November 2012
Natural Ingredients in Skin Care Products
Source: |
When shopping for skin care products, you often see catchy labels claiming that the bottle's content is made from natural ingredients or extracts. But are natural products any better than synthetic ones? Or are they similar in terms of effectiveness on the skin?
Each natural ingredient addresses to certain problem areas. Say, cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is believed to be effective for reducing stretch marks and soothing dry flaky skin. Another common natural ingredient is the soy, which is used to reduce brown spots. Green tea helps protect the skin against UV damage. The list for natural ingredients goes on. A helpful tip when buying skin care products is to find the ones containing specific ingredients that will solve your skin problems.
Don't be led to believe though that natural ingredients are always better for you in terms of effectiveness. According to WebMD, some products become more effective when ingredients are derived synthetically, particularly anti-aging products. Beauty products that were synthesized in the laboratory are more effective in reducing wrinkles that already exist whereas natural products only prevent wrinkles that are yet to appear. Some of the natural ingredients become even more potent when treated in the laboratory. Also, despite the many benefits of natural ingredients, most of the manufacturers use them in trace amounts, leading to little or no benefit at all on the skin.
So, the label "natural" is merely a marketing ploy. Besides, the term "natural" may not be as natural as you think. Because this aspect isn't really regulated by the government, manufacturers may claim their product as such even by just putting in a few drops of natural ingredients in the bottle. I have seen many sellers claiming their skin care products to be natural or even organic when the fact is, their ingredients list show parabens and sulfates. Even if the product is genuinely natural, but not all natural ingredients are suitable for sensitive skin. Certain ingredients such as coconut oil may even lead to acne breakouts. If you still prefer natural products, look at the ingredients list instead of the front label, and read the fine print carefully. If the natural ingredient is listed as one of the first few components, then it means the concentration is relatively higher than the other ingredients listed after it.
Source: WebMD
Rabu, 14 November 2012
Acne and Hormonal Imbalances
Acne is a skin condition that most people suffer from. It comes and it goes. To some people, some acne just won't go away. If you have acne that are very stubborn despite following a quality skin care routine, then you might just have a hormonal imbalance.
As I've mentioned in an earlier post, acne develops mainly due to three contributing factors: oil, bacteria, and genetics. To be able to control acne, you have to address to these culprits. However, when your acne is caused by hormonal imbalances, the problem wouldn't be completely solved by simply applying skin care products. When your hormones are in chaos, your body responds by producing too much oil. Oil clogs the hair follicles and traps dead skin cells, producing the much hated pimples.
Controlling the excess oil by washing the face and applying oil-free products might help. But since the cause is rooted far beyond the skin, then the acne would just keep coming back. Dealing with the hormonal imbalances is a far better approach.
Stress is one of the main factors of hormonal imbalances. Your body responds to stress by producing too much hormones that lead to too much oil production. As one hormone increases, an imbalance occurs, and this imbalance is reflected by the skin. Besides stress, diet and synthetic products (such as some plastics) also disrupt the hormones.
So the solution to better skin health does not only lie on topical products. Lifestyle, health, diet, and stress all contribute to skin health. Here's a useful article that teaches about how to deal with hormonal imbalances in order to fight acne:
Selasa, 13 November 2012
Stok terbatas, hanya ada aroma lemon, honey,lemon, tangarine. apabila varian yg diminta kehabisan, kita kirim random yaa
Eos Lipbalm From USA masuk Ke Indonesia
Mengandung Vitamin C dan E jojoba Oil,,Zinc , Eos medicated tangerin dan Shea butter Yg dapat Melindungi Lapisan Bibir, Mencegah Bibir Pecah2 dan Mengobati Bibir pecah2 dan HitamTrend Dikalangan Selebritis Hollywod.
Wajib Punya nih, skrg lg Trend Di indo, Artis2 indo jg ud mulai byk yg punya...
Mau jadi trend setter disekeliling mU ;)
harus punya Eos Lipbalm Original Brand!! Murah
- Lemon
- Honey
- summer fruit
- Mint
- Strawberry
- Tangerine
Eos Lipbalm From USA masuk Ke Indonesia
Mengandung Vitamin C dan E jojoba Oil,,Zinc , Eos medicated tangerin dan Shea butter Yg dapat Melindungi Lapisan Bibir, Mencegah Bibir Pecah2 dan Mengobati Bibir pecah2 dan HitamTrend Dikalangan Selebritis Hollywod.
Wajib Punya nih, skrg lg Trend Di indo, Artis2 indo jg ud mulai byk yg punya...
Mau jadi trend setter disekeliling mU ;)
harus punya Eos Lipbalm Original Brand!! Murah
- Lemon
- Honey
- summer fruit
- Mint
- Strawberry
- Tangerine
Minggu, 11 November 2012
Golden Under Arm Original CV Arta Mandiri IDR 27.000
1paket sudah termasuk 2 Item (toner dan krim)
*Oleskan tipis2 saja setelah mandi pada pagi dan sore serta malam hari sebelum tidur
*Setelah mandi, dalam keadaan ketiak bersih dan kering,oleskan toner dgn menggunakan bantuan kapas, lalu oles krimnya tipis2 saja
Aman, ampuh,efektif,cepat dan alami, Tanpa efek samping apapun. Tidak mengandung zat2 berbahaya seperti mercury / hydroquinon,
Aman digunakan oleh ibu hamil / menyusui. Aman digunakan untuk jangka panjang.
Produk ini bukan hanya memutihkan ketiak tetapi jg mengencangkan kulit ketiak tanpa pengelupasan ataupun rasa perih.
Hasil mulai terlihat dalam 1-2mg
1paket sudah termasuk 2 Item (toner dan krim)
*Oleskan tipis2 saja setelah mandi pada pagi dan sore serta malam hari sebelum tidur
*Setelah mandi, dalam keadaan ketiak bersih dan kering,oleskan toner dgn menggunakan bantuan kapas, lalu oles krimnya tipis2 saja
Aman, ampuh,efektif,cepat dan alami, Tanpa efek samping apapun. Tidak mengandung zat2 berbahaya seperti mercury / hydroquinon,
Aman digunakan oleh ibu hamil / menyusui. Aman digunakan untuk jangka panjang.
Produk ini bukan hanya memutihkan ketiak tetapi jg mengencangkan kulit ketiak tanpa pengelupasan ataupun rasa perih.
Hasil mulai terlihat dalam 1-2mg
Jumat, 09 November 2012
SERUM KOREA (White Magic) Original IDR 35.000
Isi 15 mlSerum pemutih wajah original made in korea dgn ekstrak vit. c, menghilangkan, mengempeskan jerawat & flek membandel. rasakan
perbedaannya dalam satu minggu.
Sering ngalamin kan yang namanya jerawat meradang, flek atau jerawat yang tiba tiba muncul atau juga bercak flek yang
ngeselin banget dan muka kusam, cobain serum korea ini mengandung ekstrak vitamin c
Fungsi serum korea:
* menghilangkan dan mengempeskan jerawat
* menghilangkan komedo
* menghilangkan flek hitam
* mencerahkan kulit wajah
* mengecilkan pori pori wajah
Cara penggunaan:
* tuangkan sedikit serum korea di telapak tangan kamu
* serum dapat digunakan pada siang dan malam hari
* oleskan di bagian wajah untuk mengempeskan jerawat, sebelumnya bersihkan muka dengan pencuci muka
* biarkan meresap di kulit untuk hasil maksimal gunakan 15 menit sebelum memakai cream wajah
* rasakan perbedaannya setelah seminggu
Selasa, 25 September 2012
How to Have Beautiful Hands
Source: breahn | Flickr |
If you're a housekeeper, machinist, or health care worker, you are especially prone to a condition called irritant contact dermatitis. Activities in those fields often expose the hands to water, soap, and harsh chemicals that are irritating to the skin. These factors strip the skin off lipids that act as natural barrier. Once this layer is disrupted, the skin becomes dry, flaky, reddish, and irritated.
It is therefore a good practice to apply hand cream after every hand wash. Water alone can ironically contribute to dry skin, especially hard water. By using hand moisturizers, the moisture is immediately locked in the skin. Hand creams can also soothe an already irritated skin. They act as a protective layer and may even speed up (especially skin care products containing ceramides) skin renewal.
Hand Cream (Photo: Amazon) |
Do you really need a cream specifically for the hands? Well, body lotion and hand creams basically have the same formulation, only that body lotion is lighter in weight and is more convenient to use for the whole body. If you have normal skin, a body lotion may already be sufficient for your hand care. If you have dry and sensitive skin type, you may need a hand cream that have heavier formulation. In fact, it is even proven by a scientific study by Günter Kampf and Joachim Ennen that using a hand cream after each wash improves the skin's smoothness.
I've seen an episode of a Japanese show wherein a foreign resident claimed to have never used lotions or creams after washing. Some places in Japan have good quality of water that are gentle to the skin. Well, lucky for them! For us who live outside Japan, we should just stick to using hand creams because our water may not be as soft as in places like Japan.
Kamis, 20 September 2012
How to Treat Dry Skin
A tub of moisturizer. (Photo: Amazon) |
Our skin contains oils that act as natural barriers against the outside environment. Dry skin results when our natural barriers are stripped of due to outside factors such as harsh products, low humidity weather, and too much scrubbing of the skin. Dry skin may also be due to heredity or other medical conditions.
It is important to treat dry skin as too much dryness can lead to cracks, fissures, and irritation. One important product for dry skin care is the moisturizer.
There are many forms of moisturizers ranging from lotions, creams, and ointments. Lotions are the lightest form of moisturizer and are only useful to normal and oily skin. Ointments, on the other hand, are the heaviest form of moisturizer thereby the most effective form to seal in moisture, but it may not be convenient to apply ointments regularly.
Different types of ingredients found in moisturizers work in different ways to treat dryness. Emollients are ingredients that add moisture to the skin (such as petrolatum). Humectants absorb moisture from the environment (such as glycerol). Occlussives trap moisture in the skin and prevent water loss (such as petrolatum and lanolin).
When choosing skincare products, it is best to avoid products containing alcohol, surfactants (such as ammonium lauryl sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate - see Skin Care Ingredients Glossary), and soaps (such as sodium tallowate and cocoate). Avoid salicylic acid and alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) as well.
Certain lifestyle changes are also helpful when it comes to treating dry skin. Eating foods rich in omega-fatty acids, drinking plenty of water, using a humidifier at home, and wearing non-irritating clothes such as those made of cotton and other natural fibers are just some of the ways to deal with dry skin.
Minggu, 16 September 2012
Types of Sensitive Skin
If you are like me who enjoys shopping for skincare products, you would surely know that there are indeed a wide range of products to choose from. The labels and ingredients could be very confusing. There are many products claiming that they are best for oily skin, dry skin, combination skin, or sensitive skin. But should we really believe on what these labels claim? Is it just as easy as following the claims?
The "For Sensitive Skin" label specifically, could in fact become a misnomer. Not all sensitive skin types are similar. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, there are four types of sensitive skin: Acne, Rosacea, Burning and Stinging, and Contact Dermatitis. A certain ingredient may work well for acne but may be irritable to a different type of sensitive skin. Therefore, it is best to identify which type of sensitive skin you may have before choosing a product.
Acne is a condition that is caused by excessive oil and bacteria. Products with noncomedogenic ingredients, or ingredients that do not clog pores, work best for this skin type. Antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and retinoids are used to treat this condition.
Rosacea is characterized by redness in the skin. It is also marked by pimples and the appearnce of broken blood vessels on the face. Treatment includes the use of anti-inflammatory ingredients such as caffeine, sulfur, sulfacetamide, feverfew, chamomile, green tea, and licorice extract. Acidic ingredients such as alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) and vitamin C are the common irritants to this skin type.
Burning and stinging is a sensation that comes after applying stinging irritants such as lactic acid, glycolic acid, vitamin C, alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), benzoic acid, and azaelic acid. Usually, a lactic acid is applied to a patch of skin to test for this type of sensitive skin, but some people with burning and stinging condition do not always sting to lactic acid.
Contact Dermatitis is caused by allergens or irritants. People with this condition should refrain from products with fragrances, dyes, preservatives, and formaldehyde. Different people have different reactions to specific allergens. If you have this type of sensitivity, you have to conduct a patch test first before using a new product. Note that even organic ingredients may also cause allergies.
Source: American Academy of Dermatology
Kamis, 13 September 2012
Skin Health: Understanding Skin Cancer
I know there are lots of women out there who are willing to spend a great amount of fortune to beautify their skin. Great skin, after all, plays a big part to one's beauty. However, how many of them actually prioritize skin health? Sunbathing on the beach, skin tanning, buying questionable skin care products from unscrupulous merchants are just some of the actions they would go for the sake of beauty. But to me, before delving into the topic of skin beauty, one must first learn about skin health, for skin health is a prerequisite to beautiful skin.
Exposing the skin to Ultraviolet (UV) rays, such going to tanning baths or sunbathing, increases the risk of skin cancer. Although UV rays is one of the common cause of skin cancer, but there are also many cases where skin cancer develops to unexposed parts of the skin. Possible contributing factors are exposure of the skin to toxic chemicals from household products or skin care products, and weak immune system. Going outdoors with sufficient protection from the sun, avoiding tanning beds and tanning lamps, and learning a great deal about your everyday household and skin care products are some of the steps to avoid skin cancer.
I am presenting you this link from the American Academy of Dermatology about spotting skin cancer. Early detection greatly increases the chances of survival. The page includes the steps on how to self-examine your skin. It also includes pictures and descriptions of abnormal growths so you cam easily identify any symptoms that may be present.
For a quick overview, here's AAD's brochure regarding skin cancer detection.
American Academy of Dermatology
Kamis, 14 Juni 2012
BB Cream: An Alternative to Traditional Makeup
Super Plus BB Cream Triple Functions by Skin79 (Photo: Amazon) |
My mother used to tell me that makeup is bad for the skin. During the occasions that I had to wear makeup though, my face would get so irritated. The next day my face would be covered with tiny, red bumps. That only confirmed my mother's words that makeup is bad. Thus, I grew up having the same perceptions and had avoided wearing makeup as much as possible.
Of course, women know that makeup irritates skin, especially for the sensitive skin types. But they continue to apply makeup. The ability of makeup to do wonders and accentuate ones beauty makes it all worthwhile. They just have to spend extra bucks for makeup removers and other beauty creams in order to protect their skin from the harsh effects of makeup. However, makeup is just makeup. It covers the skin. It doesn't make them prettier beneath those products.
A better alternative from these conventional products is the Blemish Balm Cream or more commonly known as the BB Cream. Invented by the German dermatologist Dr. Christine Schrammek, the BB Cream is originally intended for patients who had undergone laser procedures for skin protection. Now, BB creams became a cosmetic item very popular among Asian women. It is even named as "the secret of Korean actresses" because of its heavy endorsements by these actresses. BB creams act not just as a primer and foundation but also as a moisturizer and sunblock. There are other varieties that can even fight acne and aging.
After I learned about the BB cream, I've suddenly changed my notions about makeup. This indeed is not just a makeup but also a skin treatment. Of course, just as with other cosmetic items, you need to check the labels and ingredients of BB creams. Also, as noted by From Head to Toe blog, you still have to remove BB cream from your face at the end of the day.
Below are some of the links about BB creams to help you get started.
HUGE BB Cream Overview, Reviews & Swatches
Choosing the Right BB Cream
How To Apply BB Cream
BubzBeauty: BB Cream Overview
BB Creams for Oily Skin
Do you use BB creams? Share your tips, thoughts, or suggestions by posting on the comment box below!
Rabu, 11 April 2012
Beauty Products and Acne Breakouts
©Stuart Miles | |
It's nice when you know which skin products to choose from. Many ingredients from these items may irritate your skin and clog the pores and thus promote acne development. Preventing breakouts doesn't end at choosing the right kind of products with the right ingredients. Once you open the seal of the container, the product is already a prospective breeding ground to bacteria, and thus acne breakouts. Be extra careful with water-based products. The moisture of these are particularly inviting to the bacteria. Remember your sweaty socks? Bacteria just love damp areas! Once they invade your beauty products, so would they migrate to your skin.
Read more about skincare product ingredients that can clog the pores.
So basically, liquid products have short life spans because they attract bacteria faster. Dry products last longer, but they are still going to spoil in due time. Different kinds of products last for a certain period of time.
Eyeshadow - 3 years
Eyeliner - 3 years
Mascara - 3 months
Lipstick - 1-2 years
Foundation - 12 months (water-based), 18 months (oil-based)
Powder - 2 years
Concealer - 1 year
Here are some articles about cosmetics products' shelf life for more information.
Do you always keep track of your products' shelf life? Share your thoughts by posting a comment below.
Kamis, 22 Maret 2012
Protect Your Skin from the Sun
The Sun and Your Skin
Our mother earth is no longer as healthy as before. Her ozone layer has been somewhat depleted, therefore allowing more of the sun's harmful UV rays to pass ...
Our mother earth is no longer as healthy as before. Her ozone layer has been somewhat depleted, therefore allowing more of the sun's harmful UV rays to pass ...
Senin, 05 Maret 2012
Skin Care Ingredients Guide
Photo taken from |
The following is a list of ingredients commonly found in skin care products. You may find the list quite long and difficult to remember. But don't worry, you can always check back later. Just don't forget to bookmark this page so you have something to refer to when you check your favorite products' ingredients. I will keep this page up-to-date for your reference.
List of Skin Care Ingredients
Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) or Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) are cleansing agents used in personal care products. They help water mix with oil and dirt and are therefore effective ingredients. However, they are known common skin irritants and can cause hair loss and damage to hair follicles, especially to residues that weren’t washed off. However, they are not carcinogenic as opposed to Internet claims. They are declared safe by the FDA and are best when used cautiously, followed by a thorough rinsing.
Alcohol Denat. is the general name used to alcohol added in cosmetic products. Many countries, such as the US, require manufactures to add a denaturant to alcohols added to non-food products to prevent oral ingestion. This gives the bitter taste to the liquid. Alcohol is found in many skin care products for its antifoaming properties. It also serves as a solvent, astringent, and antimicrobial agent. Too much concentration of this substance will lead to dryness and irritation. Products with this substance written on top of the listed ingredients should be avoided.
Alpha Hydroxy Acid or AHA is naturally derived from citrus fruits, apples, pears, sugar cane, and milk. It can also be synthetically made. AHAs are used to remove dead skin cells that can clog pores, as well as reduce the appearance of fine lines, age spots, and large pores. Because of their cosmetic properties, they are commonly found in lotions and creams. They aren't as effective in cleansers because AHAs need to be absorbed in the skin to work. Effectiveness also depends on the type of AHA used, the pH level, and concentration in the product. AHAs may cause mild irritation especially in higher concentrations. They can also slightly increase the skin’s sensitivity to the sun. It is therefore recommended to use products with at least 10% to 15% AHA gradually until the skin gets used to it. Since AHAs increase sun sensitivity, application of sunscreen is necessary.
Some of the common types of AHAs found in skin care products are glycolic acid, lactic acid, tartaric acid, citric acid, mixed fruit acid, triple fruit acid, sugar cane extract, alpha hydroxy and botanical complex, L-alpha hdyroxy acid, glycomer, alpha-hydroxyotanoic acid, alpha-hydroxycarprylic acid, and hydroxycaprylic acid.
Ascorbic Acid or better known as Vitamin C is used in skin care products for its antioxidant properties. It helps build collagen, a protein that makes the skin firm. It is also used to control the pH level of the product. It can also be used to prevent the product from deteriorating due to oxygen. Ascorbic Acid is also found in skin care products in the form of salts such as Calcium Ascorbate, Magnesium Ascorbate, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Sodium Ascorbate and Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate.
Beta Hydroxy Acid or BHA, better known as Salicylic Acid, derives from the bark of willow tree. They are used to exfoliate the skin. They are different from AHAs in that BHA dissolves in oil. Because of this property, products with BHAs are suitable exfoliants to oily skin. They effectively penetrate oil-clogged pores to remove dead skin cells.
Botanical Ingredients are ingredients extracted from plants. Plants have a long standing history for cosmetic use. They have a variety of purposes in skin care products. They moisturize, give fragrance, treat skin problems, and hides blemishes.
Butylene Gycol or 1,3-Butanediol is a colorless liquid added to cosmetics and personal care products as a solvent to decrease viscosity. It also acts as a humectant, a type of substance that absorbs moisture in the surrounding air to humidify the skin.
Carbomer is a polymer (a long-chained molecule with repeating units) made up of acrylic acid units. It is used as an emulsifying agent for skin care products. It affects the consistency of the products and is used in gels. It does not cause irritation even at a 100% concentration.
Chemistry Facts:
Emulsion refers to a mixture of two liquids that do not normally combine. A classic example would be oil and water. These two liquids could be temporarily mixed by stirring them together. Over time, the two liquids will separate, forming two distinct layers. To make their mixture permanent, a third substance should be added. The third substance is called an emulsifying agent. This process is widely used in cosmetic and personal care products to produce gels, creams, and serums.
Common emulsifiers found in skin care products are: butylene glycol, ceteareth-20, cetearyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, glyceryl stearate, palmitates, PEG, polysorbates, stearic acid, stearyl alcohol, and trieathanolamine.
Ceteareth is a combination of Cetearyl Alcohol and Etyhlene Oxide. It has many forms, indicated in a form Cetareth-n , where n refers to the number of ethylene oxide attached to the cetearyl alcohol. They are generally used as emulsifiers - to help dissolve ingredients to solvents wherein they won’t normally dissolve, cleansing, and decreasing of viscosity of the product. Some forms, such as Ceteareth-15, are mild irritants. Ceteareths may produce a probable carcinogen called 1,4-dioxane as by-product of its manufacturing process, but could be removed by a step called purification. They shouldn’t be used on damaged skin.
Cetyl, Cetearyl, Myristyl, Isostearyl, Behenyl Alcohols are fatty alcohols that should not be confused with rubbing alcohol. They are used in skin care products to stabilize the ingredients. They are oils used for moisturizing the skin.
Colorants are substances that give color to a skin care product. It makes the product more attractive. Colorants can be derived from natural sources or can be synthetically produced. Manufacturers tend to choose the latter, as such is a cheaper process.
Important Tip:
Opt for a product that is colorless and fragrance-free.
Copper, Copper Peptide or Copper Gluconate is added to cosmetic products for its antioxidant properties. It promotes collagen and elastin production, two proteins responsible for making the skin firm and elastic. In addition, it also removes dead collagen and elastin found in the skin. It is usually found in anti-aging products.
Dimethicone is a silicone-based polymer that is found in many personal care products including soaps, shampoos, and creams. It is used as a skin protectant and conditioning agent. Dimethicone is used instead of petrolatum for oil-free products. They give a less greasy feel and are noncomedogenic, suitable for acne-prone skin.
Fragrance or Parfum refers to any ingredient, natural or synthetic, that adds an attractive smell to the product. Since this is a collective term that may include any ingredients, a product with this ingredient should be avoided. They may contain irritants.
Hydroquinone is a solid substance added to cosmetic products to inhibit melanin production. It is a common ingredient found in bleaching creams and whitening products. However, it is a misnomer because it does not bleach the skin, but only eliminate skin discoloration. Products with hydroquinone are available over-the-counter.
Iron Oxides are pigments that are added to cosmetics as colorants ranging from yellow, black, orange and red. It is listed as CI 77489, CI 77491, CI 77492, and CI 77499. Iron oxides are naturally occurring compounds but those used in cosmetics are synthetic. However, the raw materials used to synthesize iron oxides may come from the earth, thus its purity is being regulated by FDA.
Glycerin or Glycerol is a substance that can be derived from carbohydrates or propylene. It is found in animal and vegetable fats and oils. When added to skin care products, it serves as a skin protectant and humectant (absorbs moisture from air to humidify skin).
Glyceryl Stearate is used in skin care products for its emollient properties. It slows down the evaporation of water and humidifies the skin. It is also used to stabilize the ingredients in the product. It also reduces the greasiness of the product.
Hyaluronic Acid or Glycosaminoglycan is made up of several sugar units that can be found naturally in the skin. It can hold a large amount of water due to its spherical shape. As the person ages, the amount of hyaluronic acid lessens. When added to skin care products, it can improve dry skin and increase thickness of the product. It can also be injected under the skin to help decrease wrinkles.
Kojic Acid is derived from the fermentation of malting rice. It is the by-product of a manufacturing process of sake, a Japanese wine. When added to skin care products, it can inhibit melanin production of the skin, resulting to a lighter skin tone. Although it has been proven effective when combined with glycolic acid, some researches has shown that this substance may irritate the skin. In addition, it can be unstable when exposed to oxygen, rendering it ineffective. It is due to this reason that many manufacturers use kojic dipalmitate instead, which is a more stable form. However, kojic dipalmitate might not be as effective as kojic acid.
Magnesium Sulfate is a naturally occurring compound also known as Epsom salt. It is used in cosmetics as bulking agent due to it's nonreactivity with other particles.
Mica is a white powder found in rocks. It is used in cosmetics to give a shimmer look. It may also be used to as pigments for coloring of makeup. As mica is found in earth, it contains traces of heavy metals. When used in personal care products, the trace amounts are reduced to safe levels, as regulated by the FDA.
Mineral Oils, also called liquid paraffin, liquid petrolatum, white mineral oil, and white paraffin oil, are produced from the distillation of petroleum. They are added to cosmetic products to moisturize the skin by lubricating and/or trapping the moisture in the skin. It is used for dry skin.
Niacinamide, or Nicotinamide, is a form of Vitamin B3. It is used in skin care product formulations to reduce inflammation and the appearance of a flaky skin, as well as increase the skin's suppleness. Niacinamide is water soluble, noncomedogenic, and has anti-aging properties. It is also an effecting whitening ingredient.
Parabens, in the form of methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, isopropyl and isobutylparaben, are added to cosmetics and skin care products as preservatives. Without preservatives, products, especially those containing water, could easily spoil and become the breeding grounds of harmful micro-organisms. This could lead to unsightly discoloration, molding, and malodour of the product. Parabens are considered safe by the scientific community despite the panic caused by the study conducted on animals. High doses of butyl and propylparabens were found to have hormone-disrupting effects that mimic the effects of estrogen. However, actual amount of these parabens are only found in small quantities and is far less potent than the naturally occurring estrogen in the body. (Learn more about parabens)
PEG-4 or Triethylene Glycol is a clear and odorless liquid added to personal care products to reduce their viscosity. They act as solvents and prevent the loss of moisture of the products. They are safe ingredients of personal care products but cannot be used on damaged skin.
PEG Stearate or Polyethylene Glycol Stearate is produced from a naturally occurring fatty acid called stearic acid. They are used as cleansers and moisturizers, commonly found in soaps, skin creams, and shampoos. They also serve as emulsifying agents (a substance that binds ingredients together and makes them stable). There are different forms of PEG Stearates found in personal care products. It is usually followed by a hyphen and a number, in the form of PEG-n Stearate, where n refers to the number of monomers attached to the main chain or the molecular weight of the polymer. Some PEG ingredients, such as PEG-100 Stearate, produces 1,4 dioxane and formaldehyde as by-products of a manufacturing process called ethoxylation, which are possibly carcinogenic. The level of these by-products are however very low and is therefore concluded safe by the FDA. However, frequent use of products with contamination of these by-products could accumulate in the body over time, thereby proving to be harmful. The risk of these by-products could be controlled by removing them from PEG ingredients through purification before adding them to the cosmetic formulation.
Phenol or Carbolic Acid is a substance used to kill microorganisms. It can be used as a preservative. Phenol is prohibited in Canada and Europe as an ingredient in skin care products. A high concentration of this substance could lead to skin burns. In the US, it is available over-the-counter as antiseptics and drugs for oral health.
Polyethylene is a polymer (a long chain with repeating units) that is used to hold the ingredients together. It also increases the thickness of the product, and can also act as a skin lubricant. It can also from beads that can act as an exfoliator for the skin.
Propylene Gycol, or PPG, is an ingredient commonly found in skin care products due to its moisturizing properties. Propylene Glycol is a form of alcohol that holds water into the skin to keep it supple and hydrated.
Retinyl Palmitate is a combination of Retinol, a form of Vitamin A, and palmitic acid. It is a fat soluble substance that can also be found naturally in plants and animal fats, but is often produced commercially as cosmetic ingredients. Retinyl palmitate is added to skin care products for its antioxidant properties that improve the appearance of dry and damaged skin. It reduces peeling and increases elasticity of the skin. It can react to sunlight and become ineffective, and should therefore be used only at night.
Stearic Acid is a fatty acid derived from animal fats and vegetable oils. It is used in cosmetic products as a lubricant, emulsifier (a substance that binds different ingredients and makes them stable), cleansing agent, emollient (protects moisture in the skin), and adds opacity to color (can be used in makeup to hide blemishes). Stearic acid is naturally found in the outermost layer of the skin to serve as a barrier and protect moisture. Other fatty acids with similar purposes are Oleic Acid, Lauric Acid, Palmitic Acid and Myristic Acid.
Stearate Salt, such as Lithium Stearate, Aluminum Distearate, Aluminum Stearate, Aluminum Tristearate, Ammonium Stearate, Calcium Stearate, Magnesium Stearate, Potassium Stearate, Sodium Stearate, and Zinc Stearate, is a white powder added to skin care products as a lubricant and emulsifier ingredient. It can be obtained commercially from animal or vegetable sources. It may cause minimal irritation, but is considered mild as compared to other surfactants.
Talc, also known as Magnesium Silicate, is a naturally occurring powdery mineral originating from the ground. It is used in cosmetics to absorb excess oil from the skin and to keep the skin dry. However, according to the Ecologist magazine, it may pose hazard when inhaled in excess amounts or when applied near the genital area. So although declared as generally safe by the FDA, some countries such as Canada and European Union require manufacturers of powders intended for children under 3 years to include a precautionary statement to keep the products away from the nose and the mouth. (see a scientific literature review of talc in cosmetics here). Common products with talc are baby powder, makeup such as eye shadow, and deodorizing powder.
Stearyl Alcohol, Oleyl Alcohol and Octyldodecanol are naturally occurring fatty alcohols found in animals and plants. When used in skin care products, they act as lubricants that protect the skin from dryness.
Tocopherol or Vitamin E is added to skin care products for its antioxidant properties. It also serves as a skin conditioner. However, instead of using it in its isolated form, it is usually formed into esters when used in skin care products. Examples of Tocopherol-derived ingredients are Tocophersolan, Tocopheryl Acetate, Tocopheryl Linoleate, Tocopheryl Linoleate/Oleate, Tocopheryl Nicotinate, Tocopheryl Succinate, Dioleyl Tocopheryl Methylsilanol and Potassium Ascorbyl Tocopheryl Phosphate, and Dioleyl Tocopheryl Methylsilanol.
Triclocarbon is a substance used as a preservative and antibacterial ingredient, but unlike Triclosan, it can only kill limited spectrum of bacteria and microbes. It is found mostly in bar soaps.
Triclosan is a substance used as a preservative and antibacterial ingredient. It is often found in deodorant for its antimicrobial properties. It has a broad spectrum antimicrobial property.
Xantham Gum is cream-colored and odourless powder found in cosmetics and skin care products. They are made from the fermentation of corn sugar. They act as emulsifiers that help stabilize the mixture of ingredients. They also add thickness to the liquid. They are safe to use and can also used as food additives.
Kamis, 01 Maret 2012
Lip Care Products and Acne
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Wait. There is one thing you must be missing. Your lipstick/lipstain/lip gloss/lip balm. Don't forget that your lips are also part of the skin. Whatever you put onto your lips would migrate to the skin around the mouth area. Using the wrong kind of product would lead to breakouts. So when choosing lipsticks and other lip care products, don't forget to look for the noncomedogenic kind.
Sadly, not all lip care products include an ingredients list into their packaging. Always go with the safe side, by choosing products that show you what's inside. Jojoba oil and petroleum jelly are two ingredients that are good lip moisturizers that are also noncomedogenic.
When applying the lip care products onto your lips, make sure that your lips are clean. If you've just finished eating or drinking, wipe your mouth first before reapplying. This way, you lessen the likelihood of catching the bacteria with the product. Don't let your products be the breeding ground of germs. Not only do bacteria make your product unhygienic, they also encourage more breakouts.
Take care of your lips! By that you are also doing your skin a favor!
Kamis, 23 Februari 2012
Aging Gracefully
Photo by Ambro via |
I enjoyed looking at the yearbook because I was able to see the before and after look of each person. I've been accustomed into seeing celebrities' transition through the years on television. Yet, their transition is minimal because of how much they have invested on age-defying measures. It's really interesting to see how everyday people change after several years. It's hard to imagine that these elderly people were once young just like me. That had made me wonder how I would look like myself a few decades after.
I've been at a certain point when I became so afraid of getting wrinkles. I tried sleeping on my back to avoid leaving creases on my face. I've also slathered SPF creams over my face everyday before I go out of the house. Despite these measures, I am sure that I would never escape aging. I later realized that there is nothing to be afraid of what's natural. What is important is that I have family and friends who will grow old along with me.
There is nothing wrong on trying to slow down the aging process. After all, who doesn't want to look young? In my personal opinion though, just don't be obsessed with it. Sadly, there are a lot of people who resort to extreme measures that often make them appear unnatural. Aging gracefully should be what we should look up to. Eat well, sleep well, protect your skin from the sun, and pamper your skin everyday are what you could do to prolong your youthfulness. Most importantly, smile, because it makes everyone look young and beautiful.
Kamis, 16 Februari 2012
Skin Care 101: A Guide to Beautiful Skin
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When I was a teenager, I didn't know anything about toners and creams and facial masks. There are tons of products along the beauty aisle of my favorite store, yet I didn't know much about them. Soap was my only skin care routine. My lack of knowledge did pay a price: an irritated and unhealthy-looking skin. After learning that there is such thing as a skin regimen, my skin improved greatly. You see, you didn't need to go to expensive treatments to get the skin you want. It all starts at home. Give your skin a few minutes of pampering and you won't regret it. Here are the things you should know about skin care. Read full article.
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